A story By Kicked72. Featuring exclusive artwork by Mad Tomy (www.madtomy.com) Pt. 2 of 5: see previous post for Part 1 Breaking In The young female martial arts avenger walked through the imposing wooden door of the villa with the confidence, the fluidity, and the authority of a panther. Once she got in, she found herself all alone in the middle of the huge entrance hall. In the previous days, she had studied the anti-intrusion system and the planimetry of the entire mansion with extreme accuracy, so she knew exactly where to go. She also knew that after having disposed of the first two henchmen, she wouldn’t have to face any other opponents until she reached the corridor leading to the underground bunker where the boss was hiding. After that, there was a staircase going down several steps, leading right into the bunker’s blast doors. The corridor leading to the staircase was guarded by two Mafiosi: this was the ultimate checkpoint, the last hurdle between her and the main object...