The Final Tournament Part 2: The Queen's Arrival

A tale of Female Martial Arts Supremacy by Kicked72

The Queen’s Arrival

Athena, Queen of the Amazons, was approaching the arena in full regalia, as it was appropriate for her status and for the importance of the occasion. The Queen was riding her parade chariot between two incessant wings of jubilant Amazons that were cheering her all the way from her luxurious palace to the stadium where, on that day, the last edition of the Seasonal Tournaments was about to commence. With her arrival, the Queen itself was going to kickstart the proceedings. Athena’s popularity was immense: she was beloved by the Amazons and feared among the Barbarians. With her head held high, Queen Athena saluted the adoring crowd by waving one of her long and slender hands, while the other one was holding the reins of her chariot. Like all Amazons, she was a stunningly beautiful woman. She was now in her late thirties, but she looked like she was at least 5 years younger than that: the incredible thing about her was that she had alredy reached the zenith of her aging process and she would look like that for the rest of her life. Amazons could live until 100 years of age but, thanks to their knowledge of natural resources, female magic and the protection of the Goddesses, their bodies and their metabolism stopped aging between their mid-twenties and their early thirties at the latest. Therefore, they were always young inside and out, and so was their Queen, despite her long experience as a fighter and a ruler. Athena's dignified composure, mixed with her regal demeanour, tall stature, and noble beauty, projected an aura that could mesmerize anyone. Her presence alone exuded authority, respect and (at least for the Amazons) benevolence. On the other hand, the Barbarians were terrified by this charismatic female leader just as much as they respected her authority: when she was very young, the future Queen had risen to fame for her fierceness in battle and for being one of the most efficient amongst the many Amazon men killers of the Great War of the Sexes. When the conflict started, Athena was just a rookie fighter who had just graduated from the Amazon Kwon Do academy. Despite her lack of experience and her young age, she managed to singlehandedly defeat, humiliate, and ruthlessly execute hundreds of male warriors, including several of the most brutal Barbarian warrior kings. Kick after kick, Athena reduced every single one of these once feared men to crippled crybabies begging for dear life down at her pretty and lethal bare feet: obviously, no mercy whatsoever was conceded by the soon to become Queen of the Amazon to her male adversaries. All the Barbarians died a humiliating death under her young bare soles. After the war, she became a Seasonal Tournament superstar, killing dozens of men in the Arena with her spectacular and inventive barefoot kicks. All these achievements gained her the role of Ministry of Internal Security of the Amazon Queendom. Still in her twenties, Athena vindicated this appointment by personally crushing several Barbarians revolts under her Amazon Kwon Do feet: this was at the beginning of the Amazonian era, when some groups of Barbarians who did not accept the manifest outcome of the Great War of the Sexes were still occasionally trying to rise against their gynarchic rulers. Athena’s style of quelling these revolts soon became legendary. She would ride alone - or accompanied by just a couple of other trusted Amazon warriors - to the rebellious Barbarian villages: once she got there, she would challenge all the male revolts to attack her at once. She would take them on in front of an audience formed by all the remaining Barbarians from the village. Moreover, Athena would always fight bare handed and alone: she would only use her bare feet to fight, in typical Amazonian style, while her numerous male opponents were allowed to use all the weapons they had at their disposal. These cowardly men – who knew what a single Amazon was capable of with her bare feet very well - always used this advantage but to no avail. She once faced 120 fully armed men attacking her at once: obviously she slaughtered them all, humiliating them with her martial arts trained bare feet under the desperate eyes of their families and peers. From all these epic one sided battles, the single woman fighter would always come out victorious and unscathed. Invariably, each confrontation ended with the beautiful Athena standing semi naked, barefoot, and triumphant over piles of horribly mutilated male corpses, her female feet drenched in her enemies’ male blood: around her, a crowd of humbled, spontaneously kneeling Barbarians who had now abandoned any rebellious desire and were full of fear, awe, and admiration for the future queen’s incredible fighting prowess. Athena would then appoint a new Barbarian Chief amongst them: this man had to recite a humiliating oath of eternal submission and obedience to the Amazons. Subsequently, all the surviving Barbarians of the village had to form a queue in front of the woman who singlehandedly quelled their stupid revolt. Athena would sit comfortably over a small pile made of freshly killed male bodies in the centre of the village: one by one, all the men had to kowtow in front of Athena, recite the oath of submission and kiss her deadly feet which were still dirty, sweaty and wet from the blood of their peers and close family members. After that, the new appointed chief would have to carefully and respectfully wash and cleanse Athena’s perfect and lethal feet. The female conqueror then ordered the new chief to take a good sip from her footbath water,as a gesture of ultimate humiliation and submission: she would do it with a casual gesture but the man would immediately understand what he had to do. Then he would have to pass the basin with Athena’s footbath water to all the other surviving Barbarians in the tribe, who had to take a sip from it too. Athena’s guards would make sure that each single Barbarian would actually drink that very humiliating drink. When every living Barbarian in the village had tasted the flavour of their superior female conqueror’s footwash water, Athena would leave the men with one final task, to be carried out in her absence: she ordered them to build a life size statue of herself standing on top of all the corpses of the men she had killed on that day. This monument would serve as a perennial memento of what happened on that day and of what was certainly going to happen again  - with a much higher number of Barbarian casualties, obviously - if the men dared to rebel against the Amazons once more in the future. During the construction, Athena would pay surprise visits to the village to check on her statue's building progress: if she wasn’t satisfied with the pace of the works or, even worse, if the male community had missed the deadline she had given them for the monument’s completion, she would kill another dozen of local Barbarians with her kicks. Of course, the first one to die was the chief that she had appointed herself: he was the one who had the task of directing the works, therefore he had to pay for any delay or problem with his life, together with at least another 11 among his tribesmen. Athena also ordered that, as soon as the statue was finished and until the end of time, each morning every single Barbarian from the village had to kneel in front of the statue, recite the oath of submission and then climb on the monument to kiss both feet of her life-sized, very realistic figure. Failure to do so even for one morning would cost any Barbarian their life: Athena would carry out surprise checks of this further order of hers too by sending  two of her trusted Amazon guards to spy on the village to see if all the men were complying each day: obviously, the consequences for those men who forgot to pay homage to the exterminating feet of Athena were always excruciating and lethal. The men-hating female warriors who constituted Athena’s closest guard were always happy to have a good reason to crush a Barbarian lives under their beautiful but lethal bare feet.

Athena’s Glory

The severity and the savage cruelty which characterised Athena’s repression of the revolts still caused nightmares to Barbarians and not only in those males who had the misfortune of being on the wrong side of General Athena’s barefoot fury: just hearing stories about those legendary deliveries of merciless female retribution was enough to terrify generations of Barbarians who were too young when those men-annihilating Amazon campaigns had taken place. In the Amazon camp, she became more and more of a legend, a true superstar of mythical status. All her remarkable feats were remembered with awe and amazement by poets, writers, sculptors, painters and musicians from both the Barbarian and the Amazon civilization who, from very different viewpoints, were inspired by her legendary exploits. In Amazonian society, the throne was not inherited by birthright: that was a stupid male rule that led to unearned privilege, inbred nobility, and highly ineffective leadership. All Amazon Queens had earned the throne because of their recognised achievements in battle and the sheer number of Barbarians they had killed with their Amazon Kwon Do trained feet: each amazon could become a Queen, if she was recognised by her female peers as the best warrior amongst them. The superiority of the Amazonian way of selecting their leaders was vindicated by their endlesslly victorious confrontation with the Barbarians: female supremacy was natural, undisputable, and righteous and it manifested itself in the outcome of the wars, the tournaments and in any kind of display of female superiority that occurred in that society on a daily basis.
It was precisely due to the immense popularity, respect, and authority that she had gained for her outstanding feats as a fighter, that Athena was acclaimed as Queen of the Amazon: in that role she proved to be wise, just and stern at the same time, making sure that the absolute domination of the female over the male would continue undisputed. She was a perfect role model for all Amazons: several of them measured themselves and modelled their lives in the imitation of the Great Queen Athena, ruler of the Amazon and wrath of the Barbarians. This is why she was so beloved by the Amazons who did not fail to show their adoration for their queen, especially on tournament days…
Drawn by two parallel lines of eight muscular Barbarian slaves whom she had personally defeated in battle, castrated with her bare feet, and then enslaved for her private use, Athena’s gilded chariot was slowly and solemnly approaching the Arena. The male slaves were strapped to the chariot like horses: each man had a red gag stuck in his mouth, preventing him from speaking or making any disgusting male noise. As she rode, the Queen’s slender size 10 bare feet were trampling on the upper back of a former Barbarian prince. The man was kneeling on the chariot’s floor, his head looking down, with his chin reclined on his chest and his mouth gagged, as the queen stood proudly on his arched back. Having to bear the weight of a six-foot-tall woman on his back for several minutes, the man was in pain all the way through, but nobody cared about his agony, let alone the Queen. The chariot’s side were transparent so that everyone could appreciate the man’s humiliation beneath the queen’s pretty and powerful bare feet: this Barbarian was brought up to be a proud leader amongst men. Now his only purpose in life was to serve as a stool for the bare female feet who kicked his ass in battle after having exterminated his entire tribe and family in front of his powerless male eyes. That was the luck of men under Amazon’s rule! Behind Athena, the Queen’s pretorian guard was marching proudly: each one of these selected female warriors was standing with her bare feet on the backs of two muscular men who walked on all fours, side by side. The men’s arms and legs were chained and the women had them on a leash which was running around their neck. They looked like acrobats in a circus balancing while standing on the back of two parallel horses: in this case though, these warrior women were standing on the back on men, riding them slowly, enjoying the humiliation of the men beneath them and the adoration of the crowd. When it reached the Arena, the Queen’s chariot stopped and so did the entire caravan. All the Amazonian guards and the slaves chanted ‘Hail to our Queen’s Athena! The wrath of men!’ as the Queen waved with grace and dignity. All around her, the crowd responded to her presence in different ways, according to their gender. The Amazons were standing proudly as they cheered on their Aueen, while all the male slaves were obliged to promptly drop down to their knees and kowtow when in the presence of the most revered of their female masters: failure comply would have cost any man his life. After letting the assemble crowd celebrate her for a few minutes, the Queen stepped down from the chariot to reach her royal box, which was placed in the highest tower of the Arena. All the way to the royal box, Athena would be walking over the bodies of more than one hundred barbarian slaves who had been waiting for her arrival: these semi naked men were made to lie down in different positions so that the Queen’s feet never had to step on anything else but living male flesh. Some men were on their backs, other lied on their bellies so that the Queen could trample at her will on their chests, backs, faces, bellies, or groins: it was a distressful sight for any man and a glorious spectacle for women. A huge glory carpet made of living defeated male bodies for the Queen’s royal female bare feet to step on. It was a well estabished Amazon tradition that on tournament days the Queen’s bare feet should never touch the ground: for 24 hours she would only step over the bodies of enslaved Barbarians. Indeed, a similar floor of male bodies -made by another one hundred plus slaves – had just  been stepped on by the Queen on her way from her room in the palace to her chariot. All these men belonged to important families which once ruled the Barbarian world. Now they served as slaves in the royal palace and were used as an honorific carpet for the feet of the Amazon Queen in these special occasions: it was just another sign of the complete domination that the Amazons had over their former male opponents. Other than being a metaphor for female superiority, the Queen’s barefoot walk over defeated men was a very realistic description of that Gynarchic society. It showed that male bodies, souls, and lives belonged exclusively under the bare soles of Amazons which on those occasions were represented by their glorious Queen. The Queen’s bare feet stood for all the unbeatable Amazon Kwon Do-trained female feet that killed hundreds of thousands of Barbarians during the Great War of the Sexes, thus making the Amazon obtain the most glorious and undisputable victory that the history of human kind had ever witnessed: this is why Barbarians were now condemned to live beneath those undefeatable weapons of mass male destruction forever. Moreover, the Queen’s ascension to the throne by stepping exclusively over living male bodies clearly demonstrated how the glory, the empowerment, and the success of women was inextricably linked with the humiliation, the enslavement, and the suffering of men under female feet. There was no way around it in that society: women won and ruled by the bare foot and man had to lose, serve, suffer, and die beneath it. 
As she walked towards her throne, the Queen could feel the power of female domination coming from the humiliation of the men under her soles: she was so proud of being the custodian of the glory of the Amazons, especially on days like these in which all the barefoot fighting skills of the Amazon were going to be unleashed on the men in a series of one sided fights which regularly vindicated the righteousness of the Gynarchic World Order over which she ruled.
The magnificent royal balcony which hosted the Queen’s throne in the Arena was placed in the highest and most central point of the terraces. Announced by the sound of drums and trumpets, the Queen ascended to the balcony and, always stepping on the naked bodies of male slaves, solemnly walked to marvelous marble balustrade which was placed on the edge of the balcony so that everyone could see her. A huge roar from the assembled Amazon crowd accompanied her appearance in the Arena: the Queen opened her long slender arms saluting her Amazons and, at the same time, basking in the euphoric tribute that her loving population was always ready to give her with such enthusiasm.

Disciplining Barbarians: The Amazon Guard

In the dirty and unkept Barbarian terraces of the Arena, the reaction to the Queen’s arrival was just as respectful but far less jubilant. Knowing that she was the Queen of their superior female rulers and well aware of the devastation that Athena’s feet had brought to them throughout they years, the Barbarians felt a mixture of awe, admiration, sacred fear, weakness, and an unrestrainable desire for submission under her feet whenever they were in the presence of this formidable woman. As Amazonian rule imposed, as soon as the Queen was in their sight, all men had to immediately assume a kowtow position: they had to promptly get down on their knees and touch the ground with their foreheads. Their arms had to be joined and extended forwards, in front of their heads, with their palms touching the floor. This was because the Amazons loved to crush the fingers and/or the hands of the men kneeling in front of them with their bare female feet. Sometimes these capricious warriors enjoyed walking on paths made entirely by the hands of men kneeling on their right and on their left. For certain ceremonies, the Queen herself would ritually walk on the hands of kowtowing men for many yards. At other times, Amazons loved stepping and jumping on rows of bent male backs which were already sore from being in that humiliating position. Obviously, under all these circumstances, the men had to endure these tortures for hours in silence and without complaining. For instance, Amazons loved having long, pleasurable conversations among themselves while they were standing with the balls of their feet or with their eels right over the fingers of kowtowing men, making them endure their full body weight and often casually breaking the hands, the fingers and the forefingers of the suffering Barbarians. If any of the Kowtowing men dared to manifest his distress loudly, thus disturbing the conversation of two or more Amazons, the consequences for these unruly slaves would be infinitely worse than some broken hand bones or fingers…Anyway, failure to instantly assume a Kowtow position in the presence of an Amazon or, even more crucially, when the Queen was in sight could have cost a very dear price to any Barbarians. Even the slightest hint of hesitation in assuming the position could be fatal to the men: and on tournament days, the disgruntled Amazons who had been assigned the annoying task of patrolling the ugly Barbarian side of the Arena - while their peers celebrated in luxury on the other side - were really eager to make the men respect this rule with exemplary severity. Each Amazon guard had been assigned a sector of the Barbarian terrace which they had to control from the top row down to the bottom one. Normally, the guards stood above the highest row of Barbarians of their sector, so that they could have the best view on what was happening in their area of competence. Standing proudly at a few meters from each other above the top row of the Barbarian terraces, the Amazon guards looked like a crown of white Greek marble statues, towering in their beauty and superiority above a mass of ugly male beasts: unlike statues though they were very much dynamic indeed, much to the misfortune of the Barbarians. As soon as the Queen stepped into her royal stand and walked towards the balcony to offer herself to the salute and adoration of the crowd, all the female guards feverishly started scanning the male terraces to carefully check if each and every Barbarian was paying homage to their Queen appropriately. Wary of the consequences of any disrespect to that rule, almost all the men were falling down to their knees as soon as the Athena appeared. They accompanied their movement with a typical collective male moan of submission. Looking over that sea of naked male backs, it was very easy for the Amazon guards to detect which Barbarians were still standing or not kowtowing correctly, thus failing to dutifully honor their Queen. Needless to say, the always overzealous Amazon guards couldn’t wait to take took it upon themselves to discipline any unrepentant male in the terraces.

Omphalos: The Feisty Amazon

Actually, all that each and every member of the Amazonian guard in the Barbarian terraces really wanted was to find an excuse to punish these men whose mere presence was keeping them and their friends from having a proper good time with their peers on that day. These nervous female warriors were actually competing among themselves to be the first to lash out at the Barbarians who were still standing in the presence of their Queen. Their men-killing bare feet were literally itching from the desire to kick some of those smelly males to death. And so, as soon as young Amazon Omphalos, a guard who was standing in one of the highest points of the terraces, saw a Barbarian who was standing up among a field of kneeling backs she immediately sprang into action: ‘He is mine!’ She shouted to her comrades as she sprinted down the steep terraces, fast as an arrow: she wanted to make sure that no other Amazon was going to steal the fun of punishing this man from her. She was running down and jumping over the naked backs of kowtowing men, leaping over entire rows of them with each jump. She was leaving bare footprints on their sweaty skin each time she stepped on their backs: in the male terraces the only sound that could be heard was the distant sound of the Amazons cheering the Queen and the bare-flesh-on-bare-flesh patting of Omphalos soles, slapping on the skin of the Barbarian’s backs on which she was stepping on as she descended like a fury towards the man she wanted to punish. When she was three of four rows away from where her human objective was standing, Omphalos leapt into the air with her legs extended in a perfect flying kick position. 
Omphalos was famous for two things mainly: her hot headed temper and for her technically immaculate jump kicks. With her height of 168 centimeters, this feisty brunette was not particularly tall for an Amazon but she was famous for her acrobatics and for her explosive physical dynamism: under her tanned and smooth skin, muscles darted all over her athletic body allowing her to generate insane power with her kicks. She was one of the best gymnasts among her generation of Amazons, and she already showed off her devastating kicks in the arena several times. Famously, she managed to smash the heads of two slaves with a double jump kick: her bare size 8 feet split the men’s heads apart as she crushed their skulls like pumpkins against the Arena’s wall. After she had kicked them to within an inch of their lives for a good twenty minutes, she had the two remaining male opponents of the group of five men she had singlhandedly destroyed on that day standing next to each other against the wall. Omphalos smiled viciously, turned her back on them and walked to the centre of the arena where she turned around to face her battered opponents once again. The semi naked Amazon took a deep breath and then started running towards them at full speed while the crowd cheered her on by rhytmically chanting her name:'OM-PHA-LOS! OM-PHA-LOS!'. When she was at a distance of a few meters from her doomed male adversaries she took off, jumping with feet first towards her objectives, with her legs slightly apart. Her body was perfectly parallel to the ground, giving the impression that she was actually capable to fly. On impact, her feet crushed her enemies’ already broken facial bones against the wall, penetrating right through their skulls, scattering all the soft brain matter inside of them: impressively, the Amazon's bare feet ran through her enemies' skulls until they came out of them from the back of their heads. Omphalos' feet touched the wall behind her victims’ heads, leaving two bloody footprints on the white marble. That’s when she bent her knees and pushed back against the wall, executing a perfect backflip towards the centre of the arena, at the end of which she fell on her feet, saluting the crown like a gymnast. With their head split open like pumpkins the two men fell to the floor, obviously lifeless. After a second of genuine surprise for the amazing fatality kick they had just witnessed, the crowd responded with a roar of amazement and a continued standing ovation for Omphalos. It was to a perfectly seamless acrobatic execution by bare feet. As a rookie Amazon, Omphalos had her first true moment of glory then: it happened a couple of years before the Last Tournament though and today Omphalos would have much preferred being on the luxury terraces with her friends, perhaps giving them encores of her legendary kick in a game of ‘Kick the man down’ rather than having to guard a horde of smelly Barbarians. That’s why on this day she resented the men she had to guard more that she normally did (and, just like any Amazon, Omphalos hated men a lot!) and she was ready to punish any Barbarian misconduct with the most exemplary punishment. 
The disobedient man who was about to take Omphalos tremendous flying kick was still looking at the spectacle of the Arena. With his back was turned to the Amazon who was flying feet first towards him, the man was totally unaware of what was about to happen. His name was Gyorgos and he was a humble farm worker in his thirties. That day, he had forgotten to kneel down but not because he wanted to disrespect the Queen: no man would have ever dared to do that in that kingdom! He was simply mesmerised by the spectacle of the Arena and forgot to comply to that basic Amazonian rule. Unfortunately for him, he was about to pay a very high price for that mistake.
Throughout all his life, while he was a slave working in the fields, he had been on the receiving end of body destroying and mind shattering kickings by the Amazon guards who were always happy to beat up men for any minor irregularity or even for slightly slowing down the relentless work schedules. He was now in his early thirties, but his brain cells were already permanently damaged by all the female barefoot kicks he had been on the receiving end of in his short lifetime. This is why his reactions were a bit slower and he was sometimes forgetful: however, kick induced infirmity was not an excuse for a man in the Amazonian kingdom. The rules were simple: if a man made a mistake he had to be punished – or killed - by barefoot female kicks. And Omphalos was more eager than ever to enforce that draconian law, on that particular day. Her perfectly placed bare foot struck Gyorgos right in the back of his head: the force of the strike and the precision of her kick was such that the man’s occipital bone collapsed under her foot. The shattered bone penetrated the man’s brain killing him instantly. The power of the kick sent the man flying over all the rows of men in front of him: he fell face down right the Arena and, as soon as he touched the ground, a pool of blood started forming around his head and upper body. When the male servants working in the arena came to take his corpse out of the way, Gyorgos still had a beatific smile on his face: the poor man did not know what hit him. Omphalos’ spectacular kick froze the smile he had on his face while he was admiring the spectacle of the Arena on that momentous day forever. On her part, Omphalos landed rudely on the backs of two barbarians who were kowtowing in the front row of the terraces. With each foot trampling over the back on one man, she watched the servants carry away her victim with a savage grin of satisfaction on her face. Her satisfied appreciation of the effects of her own kick were interrupted by the pained moans of the men suffering under her feet: annoyed by the disturbance, she cruelly grinded her bare heels into the lower back of the men under her feet, until she heard the sound of vertebrae cracking. Then she shifted her weight to the balls of her feet thus breaking some of the vertebrae in the upper back of the men. Feeling male vertebrae cracking under her feet and hearing the moans of her victims mixed with the sound of their bones breaking, made her feel so good: that sensation of pleasure transferred from her soles to her young tummy making her ejaculate some liquid from her pussy. The liquid ran down her legs until it created a small puddle at her feet, right on the backs of the men she was trampling. The two barbarians could feel the hot liquid on their backs. This made them realise that the Amazon who was trampling them was takin pleasure as she was torturing them: some liquid even run down their arched back and dripped along their cheeks, making them taste and smell the flavour of female pleasure while they were experiencing all the suffering of the male condition under lethal Amazonian feet: as a result, both men had an erection thus tributing their female ruler’s undisputed superiority. Having their forehead stuck to the ground, they did not see clearly what happened to Gyorgos but they knew that the bare feet who were ruining their backs had just taken away a Barbarian life: the mixture of fear and feverish adoration for the lethal nature of female feet which dominated the psyche of every Barbarian made their dicks wet with pre-cum, despite the terrible pain that the young amazon standing on their backs was causing them. In a totally different place compared to the men under her feet, Omphalos smiled in post orgasmic relaxation: ‘These two will have trouble getting back up, after this - she thought to herself with sarcastic glee – After all watching over these barbarians can be fun sometimes!’. Then she suddenly turned her head back towards the terrace. Her expression had changed to concentrated fury again. With fire in her eyes, she leapt from the backs of the two men she had just crippled beneath her feet: she was headed in the direction of another Barbarian who, in her easily disappointed opinion, was not kowtowing low enough. As soon as they felt that the weight of Omphalos was no longer on their backs, both men could not control themselves anymore: they both had an irresistible orgasm shooting their wad on their own lower bellies and on the ground as they fearfully stayed in their kowtow position. They would have released their sperm before but Omphalos would certainly have felt their orgasm through her deadly but supremely sensitive bare female soles: the two men knew that proving unable to resist their orgasm while an Amazon was standing over them would have probably led them to rapidly reach their friend Gyorgos in Hades, by way of Omphalos’ lethal bare feet.

Andromeda: The Goddesses’ Favourite

Andromeda was a slender Amazon with long and straight fair-blond hair and big hazel eyes. Characterised by an athletic but at the same time aethereal and slim physique, she looked very much like actress Anya Taylor-Joy. Amongst Amazons, she had become famous for her unparalleled ability to torture and kill men with her toes. Her slender, pretty, but incredibly strong Amazon Kwon Do toes could pierce through an enemy’s body just like the sharpest of blades. For the most part, the strength in her toes and feet came from the grueling training, which was imparted to all Amazons since their childhood: a mixture of gymnastics, dance, all the major Olympic and martial disciplines, and of course years and years of relentless daily Amazon Kwon Do practice. Obviously, all Amazons knew how to use their toes to kill men exceptionally well. However, Andromeda managed to excel and stand out among legions of experts of this deadly technique: no easy feat, given the highly effective and enthusiastic competition she had to face! It was Andromeda’s passion for ballet though that gave her toes their unparalleled lethal quality: since she was a kid she was obsessed with dance, showing immense talent in this discipline which was so beloved by the Amazons. She quickly became one of the leading dancers in the Goddesses night rituals: her aethereal, almost dreamlike appearance made her the perfect dance étoile amongst the Amazons. To see her dance naked, as pale as the full moon under which the Amazons held their sacred rituals for the Goddesses, was a sight to behold. Her excellence in dance not only infused her fighting style with a peculiar elegance: having to support her entire weight on her pointed toes obviously strengthened this specific body part, which soon became her signature weapon in battle. An 18-year young Andromeda showcased this peculiar quality during her first legendary participation to the Seasonal Tournaments, which had become a hit among Amazons.
On that day, she finished the one sided-fight - in her favour - against the last one of the four Barbarians that she had to singlehandedly face in the Arena by kicking right below his chin with her toes: her foot was positioned at 90% from the floor so that her stiffened toes penetrated straight into the soft skin of the man’s upper throat and broke into his oral cavity. Effortlessly balancing on her left leg, Andromeda had her foot stuck up to the arch into the man’s throat. It was a lighting fast uppercut kick: already battered, dazed and confused by the hundreds of kicks that he had taken from his gorgeous female opponent that afternoon, the Barbarian did not see it coming at all. He only felt something as sharp as a dagger stabbing his throat from underneath. It wasn’t a knife of a sword that struck him though: it was a slender size 8 female bare foot, and that was way deadlier than any other weapon, as any Barbarian knew in that female dominated world. The desperate man opened his mouth in shock and agony as Andromeda could see her pretty toes inside her opponent’s mouth. To add insult to injury, she wiggled her toes, playfully scratching the upper part of the man’s mouth from inside. As she performed that humiliating move, Andromeda was looking into the terrified man’s eyes, with a confident smile on her perfect face: the man couldn’t help but get lost into the mysterious stare of this young woman who was impaling his head with her pristine foot. ‘How does it feel to be only a few minutes away from joining the men pile?’ Andromeda sarcastically said to the man she was impaling with her bare foot. She was referring to the podium that the male slaves of the Arena always prepared for the winner so that she could stand on it and receive the tribute of the cheering crowd. This podium was made with the bodies of the Barbarians that had been killed by each Amazonian fighter during their matches. By that time, the slaves had already piled up the cadavers of the first three Barbarians that Andromeda had kicked to death and were now waiting for the powerful amazon to finish her job with the last man who was, barely, standing so that they could throw his savagely ravaged body on top of the pile. In fact, the man was still standing only because Andromeda was keeping him up with the strength of her slender but muscular leg: it was clear that if she removed her foot from inside the man’s mouth he would have fallen down like an empty piece of clothing. With his chin resting on Andromeda’s shiny right tibia and a mouth full of female foot the man could only reply to her female opponent’s  teasing with a groan of agony. ‘You shouldn’t be too sad about it, on the contrary!’ Andromeda continued sassily ‘You are the luckiest one of the bunch, because being on top of the pile you will be the one that will be trampled under my bare feet: it’s an honour for a dirty barbarian like you to serve in death as a footstool for an Amazon warrior!’. The man responded with another ghoulish groan! Andromeda continued: ‘If I was you I would worry about what will happen from now until that moment: get ready to suffer like very few men have suffered before!’. All around them, the entire Amazon side  of Arena laughed at the man while cheering on the young woman for her ruthless technique. On the other side, the Barbarian crowd watched in shock and gloom as they were forced to witness another creative and merciless execution of one of their most valuable fighters by a young Amazon debutante.
After one good minute, Andromeda suddenly removed her foot from inside the man’s mouth, leaving a sizeable hole right under his chin. A cascade of blood started pouring down from the Barbarian’s throat and the man instinctively brought his hands up in a useless attempt to stop the hemorrhage. He was going to die in a matter of seconds, but Andromeda was determined to make those last moments even more painful and humiliating than they already were for her male foe. Without even putting her stabbing foot down, the slender Amazon executed another uppercut kick, always with her stiffened toes pointing up: this time her target was the man’s balls, now totally unprotected as the Barbarian was clutching his own bleeding throat with both hands. Her foot went under the man’s waist cloth and her toes stabbed into his naked nuts. The man could feel Andromeda’s toes penetrate inside the sack of his balls like a blade through butter. He let out another scream of agony as the entire Amazon side of the stadium was laughing at the grotesque spectacle of his degrading demise brough about by Andromeda’s merciless bare toes. Always balancing perfectly on one leg and with her arms stretched out in an elegant angel of death pose, the naturally charismatic Andromeda started wiggling her toes inside the man’s nutsack too. This time the injury was as bad as the insult, because her young female toes actively emptied the man’s nuts of their insides making a geyser of blood and other organic fluids and matters spray down from under his crotch unto the already blood red Arena’s ground. Clenching her perfect jaw in the effort, the 18 years Amazon was surgically caponizing the 35-year-old man using her toes as her only operational tool.
But the most masterful thing of all was that Andromeda’s big toe had penetrated so deep inside the Barbarian’s crotch that it was now pushing against his prostate with incredible force. This caused a huge erection of the man’s dick which emerged from under his loose loin cloth. Seeing the man getting an erection despite the gruesome torture he was being subject too made all the Amazon gasp with awe and then laugh at how helplessly inferior male sexuality was. Everyone, even the terrified Barbarians who were watching, had to admit that this young Amazon was publicly proving that she was a real master of the craft of torturing humiliating and killing men with her toes! Actually, the man’s dick had been stiff throughout the entire fight as it was customary for the Barbarians when they had to fight a barefoot Amazon: it was the men’s involuntary and spontaneous way to homage and acknowledge the superiority of their female opponent, even before any fight had started. Even before the great War of the Sexes, the men should have known that this was a clear sign of the inevitability of their defeat but they were too dumb and chauvinistic to admit it rationally. Therefore, they submitted themselves to endless humiliations from their female opponents: this was all for the amusement of the Amazons who, just like Andromeda were always ready to dish out always new creative methods of hurting, degrading, and killing these inferior male beings.

Total Submission in the Arena

Due to Andromeda’s toes pressuring against his prostate, the Barbarian’s dick had now risen to a size and a stiffness that he had never experience before: his dick was now sticking out from under his loin cloth for everyone to see. Because of his prolonged stiffness, which had started since she had seen his female opponent’s feet for the first time, the man’s dick was filled with cum ready to be ejected. Thus, even if his nuts were being destroyed and emptied by Andromeda’s toes, his dick was already loaded with sperm. Andromeda knew this and was ready to take advantage of his opponent’s state to craft a spectacular pre-finale for her masterful performance. Clenching her teeth in the effort, she pushed her foot up inside the man’s crotch even more, thus giving the strongest impulse so far to the man’s prostate with her slender but strong big toe. This had immediate effects, as the Barbarians’ dick shot a huge load of sperm, while his owner let out a scream of pain and humiliation. Most of the man’s sperm ended up mostly over Andromedas balancing leg and foot. Untroubled by the gross male semen spilling over her pristine foot, Andromeda continued to push her merciless toe against the man’s prostate until she was sure that he had shot the last was of sperm from his throbbing and shaking dick. That’s when the Amazon finally removed her foot from inside the man’s crotch. No more sustained by her female opponent’s impaling leg and foot, the man fell down on his knees, right into the puddle of blood and other organic material that had formed under him while he was being emptied by her opponent’s toes. He was shaking and almost dead but his humiliation was not over. Andromeda lifted up her left leg, the one that she had balanced on while she was ravaging her opponent’s mouth and crotch with her toes. With the ball of her foot she pushed the man’s head back, so that his neck was reclined back and he was looking up at the blue sky above the arena. The Barbarian’s last view of the sky was soon obscured because Andromeda calmly placed her sperm covered foot above the face of the man who was kneeling in front of her so that her heel was on his chin, the ball on his nose, her toes on his forehead, and her exquisite arch was running across his open mouth. Immediately, sperm started dripping from her foot right into the man’s mouth, giving the man a humiliating taste of his own cum. That’s when he heard the calm but authoritative voice of his young executioner say ‘And now lick my foot clean, loser!’. The dazed man had a moment of hesitation so Andromeda insisted: ‘Lick your filthy sperm off the foot of the woman who has just massacred you: homage the toes that have just defeated, tortured and crippled you. It will be the last thing you will do before you die and you will do it in front of thousands of people. It will be the only thing you will be remembered for!’. Completely overwhelmed by his opponent’s attitude, the man sheepishly obeyed. He stuck his tongue out licking his own sperm from the arc of that portentous woman’s slender foot. At this point if felt only right to worship the foot of that young girl who had proven to be so unequivocally superior to him in combat. The barbarian was actually inebriated by the bittersweet taste of her female opponent’s foot sweat, mixed with his own sperm: at this point he did not care that all the Arena was watching him being killed and humiliated in such a degrading way. Despite the agonising pain coming from the lethal wounds that Andromeda had inflicted him with her kicks, he was the happiest he had ever been in his life as he was licking the foot of the young woman who was deservingly dominating him after proving to be much superior to him in combat. Her foot sweat was like nectar to him. He was in love with her now and ready to be her slave for life but his young female opponent had different plans for him. Always effortlessly balancing on one leg, Andromeda adjusted her foot over the man’s face several times so that the man could lick his own sperm from her arch first and then her heel, her ball and finally her lethal toes. The sperm ran down the Barbarian’s tongue and some of it was falling out of the hole that Andromeda had made into the man’s throat with her deadly toes. It was a grotesque sight that made all the Amazons in the Arena laugh. With a beatific smile on her stunning face, Andromeda was calmly conducting her newly found worshipper to his death, knowing that she got him to a point where she could do whatever she wanted to him and this formerly proud barbarian would gladly agree. After she made the Barbarian lick her foot clean for a few minutes the stunningly beautiful amazon removed her foot from over the man’s face. Suddenly, the man saw the sky again through his eyes, whose orbits had been swollen and blackened by Andromeda’s merciless kicks very early on in their one-sided confrontation. Missing the addictive contact of that perfect foot on his lips and tongue, the man moved his head to a straight position: he wanted more of that foot in his mouth and Andromeda was ready to give it to him. Andromeda, who was still elegantly balancing on one leg, swiftly stuck her foot inside the Barbarian’s semi open mouth, pushing it inside up to her pearly white heel and widening his jaws almost to their breaking point. As soon as he felt that supple but deadly foot occupy his entire oral cavity the man widened up his eyes with surprise. He could feel andromeda’s toes push against the back of his throat, almost as if they were about to pierce through the skin of his neck. She looked into her big hazel eyes which were looking down upon him, almost like a master would look down on a pet lying at her feet. Andromeda’s majestic fair blonde hair was being blown by the afternoon wind and the light was creating an aura around her head and her entire semi-naked body. She looked like a goddess and the man felt reassured by that vision: it felt so right to die by the foot of such a perfect human being, who was superior to him in so many ways. While he was choking to death on her female opponent’s bare foot stuck way deep inside his mouth, the Barbarian started having visions which are often associated with martyrdom, especially when a victim has been taken beyond any humanly bearable threshold of pain. 

No Mercy

The dying Barbarian could no longer hear the encouragement of the crowd for Andromeda or the laughter of those who were making fun of him. He was even deaf to the sighs of his fellow Barbarians, and this was not just because Andromeda had previously shattered his eardrums with a devastating series of double hammer kicks to the side of his head…The disgraced male warrior was now in a place between life and death and he felt like he was there alone with beautiful angel of death who was putting him out of his misery. Andromeda was athletic but slender and her elf-like ethereal beauty made her look like a mythological figure. As she stood there effortlessly balancing on one leg like a swan as her other leg was impaling the mouth of her enemy she was a vision of : her long blonde hair was being blown by the wind and illuminated by the sun, like a voluminous and shiny white aura all around around her head and shoulders. The barbarian was gazing into this icon of deadly beauty as life was abandoning him. He was totally oblivious of his surroundings: in his pain induced delirium, he completely forgot that he was dying in front of thousands of people. On the other hand, Andromeda was very well aware of her surroundings and of what that moment meant for her reputation as a man killing amazon. She knew she had delivered a fantastic performance so far and that the man was going to die in a matter of seconds choking on her foot. However, she also knew that the spoiled Amazon crowd had seen it all: they wanted to be surprised by their warriors in the Arena with always new and endlessly creative ways of slaying barbarians with their feet. If she wanted to become a standout legend of the Arena she had to finish her performance with a stunning fatality which would leave the demanding Amazon crowd speechless. It was time for her to communicate her decision about the fate of his defeated opponent. Clearly, after all the crippling wounds she had inflicted him he had no use nor future as a slave: death by amazon foot was Andromeda’s verdict. She communicated it to the crowd by throwing her long slender arms in the air: after a theatrical pause she closed both her hands into fists and showed the crowd a double thumbs down, meaning that she was gonna carry on with her enemy’s execution. The crowd, who always liked to see men die rather than live, approved with an excited roar. As the rules of the tournament imposed she looked at the Queen to see if she agreed with her decision. The Amazon monarch simply opened her arms and nodded, signifying to the young warrior that she was free to do whatever she wanted with that relic of a man that she had impaled on one of her feet. After taking in the approval of the Queen Andromeda’s eyes moved to Callisto, her Amazon Kwon Do trainer who was watching her performance from the terraces. The two women looked into each other eye for a few seconds then Callisto nodded at her student, giving her permission to try the technique that they both knew she had in mind. Callisto had tears in her eyes as she acknowledged Andromeda’s intention: she knew that from now on this beautiful Amazon was no longer going to be her favourite Amazon Kwon Do student. After this rite of passage, Andromeda would stand on her own as one of the most respected amazon foot fighters in Themyscira!
Andromeda gave one final look at her coach and then turned her head to concentrate on her victim. It was time to shine. She hissed at her victim telling him ‘You will not serve me in this lifetime, you filthy Barbarian! However, prepare to serve my Demon avatar in Hades until the end of time!’. The man had been psychologically demolished by Andromeda to the point that he was now ready and willing to spend the rest of his live as this young woman’s footslave: however, he knew that due to the lethal wounds and crippling injuries she inflicted him he would have been of no use whatsoever to her female master. Most certainly he would have died minutes after the end of the fight even if she had decided to spare him. This made him accept his destiny more easily while Andromeda pushed her foot deeper inside his mouth. As with all female fighters, her whole body and especially her legs and feet had been massaged with oils and balsams before the fight to make than shiny and smooth but also slippery to the touch so that they could escape the possible grip of an enemy with more ease: this, together with the power in her leg helped the penetration of Andromeda’s entire foot inside the man oral cavity.
The young Amazon clenched her teeth and pushed her foot in with all her force. Her foot slid into the man’s mouth up to her ankle. As a result, the man’s jawbones gave in completely and his lower face basically fell on his chest.  With no resistance left to hold them back, Andromeda’s martial arts ballerina toes broke the man’s collar bone. As a result, the man died instantly. Then Andromeda’s toes started piercing through the skin of the back of his neck. One final push was all that it took to make her toes break the skin and come out on the back of the man’s neck. Her foot went through the barbarian’s neck and was sticking out from the back of his neck up to the arc. When she felt that the toes, ball and arc had come out from the back of the man’s neck, Andromeda stood still for a few seconds. She felt the afternoon wind through her toes, a sing that she accomplished her incredible feat. She exhaled and then spun around on her balancing leg so that everyone from every corner of the Arena could see her incredible feat: she had just impaled the head of a man on her foot and lower leg! She exhaled and then spun around on her balancing leg so that everyone from every corner of the Arena could take a good look at what she had just done to her opponent. All the Arena stood in silence, completely amazed by that unprecedented method of barefoot execution of a man. Even the most battle tested Amazons who had seen it all were frankly awed by Andromeda’s incredible showcase and it took a minute for them to take it in. From their side, the Barbarians were once again shocked and terrified by the limitless cruelty and infinite creativity that the Amazons always displayed when it came to kill men with their almighty Amazon Kwon Do feet.
The male slaves of the capital were disconcerted: they knew that whenever an Amazon showcased a new exciting man killing kicking technique all the Amazonian community was going to try it and replicate it and sometimes surpass it. The Amazonian warriors were really competitive and all none of them wanted to get left behind when it came to man annihilating foot tortures. On top of that there were the young Amazon Kwon Do student who idolized the Arena fighters and wanted to emulate all their moves and techniques. Obviously both the experienced warriors and the Amazon Kwon Do students were going to use their slaves to try out the techniques they had seen in the Arena: as a consequence, there was a peak of slaves’ deaths in training after each tournament due to the attempts at emulating the most spectacular moments of the fights that took place in every private gym, open field, wild party or Amazon Kwon Do academy in the Amazonian kingdom. This is why watching Andromeda run through the Barbarian’s head with her toes that afternoon, many male slaves in the Arena could already feel the presence of a female foot inside their mouth. And actually, many of them would tragically fall victim of their female master’s attempts at emulating Andromeda (or other fighters’) brilliant performance in the weeks following that edition of the tournament.

Triumph, Pain, and Pleasure

The stunned silence was broken by Andromeda herself because, always ironic, she playfully wiggled her toes to remark her achievement, making the entire Amazon part of the Arena laugh. Now her lower leg was inside the man’s head up to her calf. In order to pull her leg  out of the man’s head Andromeda had to sit down and push her free foot against the man’s chest to have some leverage. When she finally succeeded, she wiped her foot on the dead man’s body then she stood up. She stepped with both feet on the chest of the dead man and struck a victory pose, while the crowd chanted her name rhythmically: her pure white body was stained by the blood of her enemy from head to toe. Her piercing foot was completely red with blood. Andromeda was exhilarated by her effort and exalted by the smell of her enemy’s blood and guts. It was a fierce image of total female victory and complete, humiliating, degrading male defeat. Andromeda was a very spiritual and religious girl: drenched in her enemy’s blood and with her feet standing on the body of a freshly killed enemy which was still warm she had never felt so close to the Goddesses. It was in that moment that she decided that, for how much she loved to dance, her true calling was to be a slayer of Barbarians. She wanted to use her lethal toes to kill men and honour the Goddesses that way for the rest of her life. As she was having these thoughts a warm feeling started travelling through her body: she felt it rising up from under the soles of her feet which were standing on the body of the man she just killed. From her feet this heatwave got to her entire body. Instinctively, she touched her vagina and it was completely wet and dripping. The heatwave grew and grew until she couldn’t resist anymore: she had to rip off her bra and the piece of silk that was covering her groin, throwing them on the sand of the arena. Now she was fully naked. The teenage amazon let out a savage scream of victory and pleasure and stamped the sole of her foot on the dead man’s already deformed face with such force that her footprint was eternally engraved in the dead man’s face. It was the ritualistic way in which the Amazon’s sent their male enemies to Hell: in this way everyone in Hades will immediately know that this barbarian had been slayed by Andromeda by way of her martial arts feet. The soul of this man will be collected by Andromeda’s avatar in hell to be her slave forever. As she savagely stomped the man’s face with her foot, Andromeda’s vagina started ejaculating like it never did before, squirting all over the barbarian’s corpse beneath her: it was a sign from the goddess telling Andromeda that killing men with her feet was the way for her. Her orgasm was long and powerful. After this last explosion of female energy Andromeda stood still for a few seconds, completely naked. She was breathing heavily and shaking from this all-powerful orgasm: her vagina was still dripping liquid on her enemy’s ravaged body. Normally she was a calm a reflexive Amazon but today she found a new savage side of her personality…and she liked it very much. As she trampled the cadaver of her enemy, she looked back at Callisto. She smiled at her coach and finally she calmed down, satisfied with her achievement. Her coach was standing up and clapping with tears running down her cheeks and a huge smile on her face: she knew what this rite of passage meant for any Amazon Kwon Do fighter. When her orgasm had fully run its course, Andromeda stepped down from her enemy’s corpse but only momentarily: she had to allow the male slaves to place the devastated remains of her last Barbarian opponent on top of the men pile. Andromeda swiftly jumped on top of this fierce podium with all her dancer’s grace. She stood on the pile receiving the longest standing ovation of the day and she was humiliating her enemies for one last time. She responded with elegance, smiling, and bowing to the crowd. She even performed some of her trademark dance moves to express all her joy, her feet dancing with agility on the corpses of her dead opponents. Even the Queen stood up from her throne for her, tributing Andromeda with the greatest honour that an Amazon could think of in the Arena. Under her feet, the barbarian she had killed last on that day was lying with his eyes open in awe almost as if he could still see and feel his beloved female executioner bask in her well-deserved triumph. 
(to be continued)


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