The Final Tournament Pt. 4 - Berenice: 'The Face Flattener'
A Tale of Female Martial Arts Supremacy by Kicked72
Barefoot Death from Above
During the Great War of the Sexes and throughout their entire military and fighting history, the Amazons never carried weapons nor arms into battle. These female warriors did not need weapons in the slightest to win against men: their Amazon Kwon Do trained bare feet were more than enough to defeat, destroy and humiliate their male opponents who, on the other hand, were always fully armed with swords, shields, spears and all the weaponry that they could equip themselves with. It was definitely a point of honour for any single Amazon to be able to show – again and again - that she could singlehandedly demolish entire legions of fully armed Barbarians by using her bare feet as her only weapon: and invariably as well as brilliantly, the Amazons always succeeded in their barefoot Barbarian-exterminating tasks thus establishing a rule based on their undeniable and flawless Female Martial Arts Supremacy over the males. It was a matter of constantly proving to themselves and to their enemies that they were so superior that they did not need any arms to destroy them, just to shatter any possible delusion of revenge by the Barbarians before these worthless men could even start to conceive it. Every single day, the Barbarians had to be faced with the bitter truth: no weapon on earth could be more powerful than the bare feet of an Amazon Kwon Do trained Amazon, so there was no point in even trying to rebel against that Gynarchic regime.
However, there was one tool that some of these formidable women would sometimes bring to the battlefield during the Great War of the Sexes: it consisted in a long and flexible wooden pole. These poles though were not used by the Amazons to beat or hit their enemies: once again, who needs sticks when you possess unbeatable female Amazon Kwon Do feet to destroy men? In fact, these athletic and smart women would simply use the poles almost exclusively to assume a tactical positioning that would surprise their enemies: in the initial stages of the battle, when the male and female armies were still facing and checking each other out on the field, vanguard groups of pole women would often kickstart the fighting by charging fearlessly on foot. These brave women were running towards the enemy lines at full speed: each woman ran with her pole pointed up and forwards. Then, when they got to a few meters from the first rows of shield holding Barbarians, they would stick their poles into the ground and, just like Olympic pole vault athletes, they would jump into the air. Astonished and amazed in equal measure, the Barbarians in the first rows could only admire the perfect bodies of these long-legged female warriors rise, almost in slow motion, up towards the sky above them. The amazement would rapidly turn into terror for the Barbarians, when they saw the women fly past their frontline only to descend at full speed behind their backs, landing feet first right into the faces of the men who were positioned behind them. The Barbarians who were stationing behind the first battle ranks were not expecting to be engaged in the battle so early on: bemused, they would look up as the bodies of their female enemies were obscuring the sun. As the women where letting go of their grip on the pole to dive down towards their enemies, the shadow that they cast on the Barbarians faces assumed the pretty, but in this case rather foreboding, shape of a female bare foot. In a few seconds those flying bare feet were going to land on their targets, striking them with devastating precision: before even touching the ground the Amazons had already crushed the noses, lips, and cheekbones of all the males whose faces they had used as landing pads. Suddenly, those Barbarians who were under the delusion that they were being at least momentarily spared from the much-feared Amazon onslaught of martial arts fury, found themselves helplessly exposed under a merciless hailstorm of barefoot kicks that were coming down from the sky. Being outsmarted and vanquished in such a smart and spectacular way invariably augmented the men’s sense of frustration and helplessness in their eternally losing struggle against this superior race of clever and skilled female martial artists. As usual, the Amazons were very precise and skillful in their acrobatic action: on landing, each one of them always hit the face of a man with her feet. In this way, even before their feet had touched the ground, they had already inflicted casualties to the Barbarians. Sometimes they did it with both feet joined into the face of a single guy, other times they managed to crush two faces simultaneously, one for each foot, thus hitting the jackpot. In any case, their flying bare soles always hit men right in the face, or in the back of their heads, if some Barbarians had the useless wisdom to try and run away, with debilitating and often lethal results for these unfortunate males. Very often, the flying Amazons used the Barbarians as landing pads. After the kicks had impacted on target, these expert women knew how to keep their soles squarely and firmly placed on the men’s faces as they flew together towards the floor: this technique was particularly useful when they were targeting the men who stood guards on defensive walls or barricades. As they hit the ground, the Amazons’ bare female feet were treading all over the men’s faces and their whole bodyweight was increased by gravity’s pull. As a result, when these skilled women landed, they crushed the Barbarians' faces under their soles and simultaneously buried the back of the heads of their enemies a few centimeters down into the battlefield’s dirty and sandy ground, forever carving their bare footprints into the Barbarian’s faces as they stood on them like gymnasts at the end of a perfect exercise: the consequences of this spectacular technique were regularly incapacitating and very often lethal for the treaded-on Barbarians. And obviously, as soon as they found themselves right in the middle of the enemy’s troop deployment, the pole jumping Amazons went into full berserk mode, bringing high-kicking devastation behind Barbarian lines. The pole-vaulting explorers would often attack the enemy’s front line from the back, crushing the Barbarians who had the misfortune of being in the first rows and who got caught between two inescapable barefoot attacks: in fact, by that time in the battle, the rest of the Amazon army would already have attacked the Barbarian front line, jumping into them feet first while the pole vault explorers were exterminating the men from within their battle lines. As a result, the Amazons had the Barbarians stuck between a rock and a hard place, laying waste on them from the front and from the back. Some of them would decide to venture deeper into the enemies’ lines, thus destroying the rearguard, the reserves and often times even getting to the leaders in command of the Barbarians and vanquishing them with no mercy. Any which way, the battle always ended up in a giant massacre of the men and in a sweeping, flawless, casualty-free victory for the Amazons. Wooden poles were also used when Amazons had to attack Barbarian villages: the Amazon vanguard used them to jump over the palisades or the defensive walls that the Barbarians had built and dive right into the village, spreading barefoot high kicking terror, pain, and death among the men and opening the way for the rest of the Amazon army. Sometimes just a handful of pole-vaulting Amazons proved to be more than enough to eliminate all the fighting Barbarians in any of their fortified villages. By the time the rest of the Amazonian army entered the town, they often found out that their airborne vanguard had already exterminated all the male defenders: for their amusement, they found their courageous pole jumpers already celebrating and dancing barefoot over huge piles made by the corpses of freshly killed Barbarians. All that was left to do in these cases was to add another flawless victory to the endless list of triumphs of the formidable all female high kicking army from Themyscira, while some of the youngest and energetic Amazons amused themselves and their comrades by playing a very peculiar games of Hopscotch: giggling and amiably joking among themselves, they jumped over the semi-buried faces of the men who had been used as landing pads at the beginning of the assault: to win the game, they had to hop from one male face to another without making their bare feet touch the ground between each Barbarian. It was a way of celebrating their victory and of putting any possible still breathing Barbarian out of their misery in typical Amazonian barefoot – and playfully humiliating - fashion. The Pole Vault Attack - which the understandably terrified Barbarians used to call ‘Barefoot Death from Above’ - was one of the many smart tactics through which the Amazons used to win battles quickly and easily during the glorious, albeit very one-sided, Great War of the Sexes.
Even during Tournament days some Amazon guards liked to bring their vault poles to the proceedings with them. The poles served two purposes in two different moments of the Tournament day: while the women were checking that all the Barbarians commuted from their villages to Themyscira as well as during the access of the men into the Arena, they used their poles to beat those males who did not walk in line or fell to the side due to tiredness or sunstrokes (the men had to walk for miles from the nearest villages to get to the Arena). Obviously, the women mostly used the well trusted method of delivering vicious kicks to beat up the Barbarians who did not march in the correct way. However, especially when the Amazons were riding horses, having a long reaching pole was sometimes convenient to keep the male cattle tidy and going. But there was another and more exciting purpose for which the vault pole was useful to the Amazon guards during tournament days: it was to enforce discipline and punishment on misbehaving or ‘distracted’ Barbarians using the much feared ‘Barefoot Death from Above’ technique on them. For instance, if one pole vault Amazon that was standing on the upper level noticed some incorrect behavior, she would immediately spring into action. She would point her wooden pole forward and up and then start running at full speed down the terrace, directed towards the misbehaving man. Of course, when the female guard descended like a fury towards her doomed male target she would be rudely stepping on the backs or on the heads of the men who occupied the rows between the executioner and the soon-to-become-victim. When the guard deemed her distance from her human target close enough, she would stick the tip of her pole into the ground, or on the back of a kowtowing man, and leap into the air. The woman would then fly feet first into the face of the unruly man (or men), killing them instantly or, if the flying blow wasn’t immediately lethal, crippling them permanently, before trampling and stomping them to death under their undefeatable female martial arts feet. It was an adaptation of the assault technique of the Amazon vanguard that was equally efficient for the purposes of disciplining men on the terraces too. Many Barbarians were war veterans and remembered Barefoot Death from Above with absolute dread. Some others had seen it happen outside the battle fields in occasions such as previous Tournament days or as they worked in the field under the watchful eyes of Amazonian pole bearing Amazonian guards. Others had even already been on the receiving end of it and were among the very few cases who had managed to survive this particularly effective kicking attack: you could easily recognise these former BDFA victims because their faces bore evident signs of the tremendous impact of that flying double barefoot kick: the lips were split and mangled, their upper and lower front teeth were missing, their nose had been broken and flattened, their cheekbones were fractured and swollen and, invariably, they all bore the unmistakable shape of two parallel female footprints forever carved into their face: a permanent tattoo and the personal signature of the prodigious woman who had landed feet first on their face. Even the back of these men’s head was cracked: as a result, all these survivors reported serious neurological trauma, making them mentally deficient other than psychologically broken, physically crippled and forever visibly scarred. These human empty shells, these dead men walking were a barely breathing example of what a pair of bare female Amazon Kwon Do trained feet could easily do to a Barbarian, even in the rare cases when he survived their attack. And this was one of the reasons why every Barbarian was absolutely terrified from the prospect of suddenly receiving a lethal flying double kick to the face from an Amazon guard and they would sheepishly and rapidly obey to any female order to avoid that terrifying punishment.
Enter Berenice, 'The Face Flattener'
On that day, the punitive action of Berenice, an oriental looking/dark-haired Amazon who had a long experience in disciplining men with her feet, followed along these lines: she loved to perform the pole vault assault since she was a much-respected expert in double kicks to the face of men. Her proficiency in this technique had earned the war name of ‘The Face Flattener’: hundreds of male faces had been rendered unrecognizable under her bare size 7 soles. Looking very much like a slightly taller version of actress Lucy Liu at her fittest, Berenice liked to change male facial features with her feet, just before she killed her adversaries. She had taken on the habit of carrying a small mirror with her so that, in an act of sarcastic cruelty, she could show her agonising male opponent what she had done to their faces and make them ‘appreciate’ the free aesthetic surgery she had just performed on them with her feet only a few moments before she offed them with a lethal kick or a deadly stomp from her bare soles. But, as we will see, that wasn’t her only prerogative when it came to destroying Barbarians with her shapely Amazon Kwon Do trained feet.
As the Amazon Queen made her appearance from the Royal Balcony to salute the crowd and kickstart the four days of fights of the final edition of the Seasonal Tournaments, Berenice was attentively scanning the portion of the terrace that had been entrusted to her to make sure that all the beastly males she had to control were paying due respect to the presence of Amazonian majesty. That’s when she spotted a man who was taking too much time to find his place to get on his knees and kowtow among the tight rows of men that were crowding the terraces. The Amazons always made sure to cram the Barbarian terraces with way more men than the actual capacity of that portion of the stadium would actually allow. Obviously this was done on purpose in order to increase the discomfort of the Barbarians when they witnessed their ‘champions’ being vanquished and humiliated by the Amazons in the Arena. Moreover, the lack of personal space and the unease of the men in the terraces inevitably augmented the frequency of situations that required the disciplinary intervention of the female guards who, famously, were always very ready to unleash their barefoot punishment on the Barbarians. Berenice knew how difficult her own Amazonian race had made it for the Barbarians to follow her own race’s orders but – in pure Amazon style - she didn’t care, on the contrary! As it had been established by the Goddesses, Barbarians deserved all the sadism and the punishment of this world and beyond; therefore, generating the conditions which justified unleashing female high kick fury on them was not only accepted but also encouraged in Amazondom. Not mention that it was a source of endless fun too for any red-blooded Amazon. Moreover, these men were so stupid that the Amazons’ considered it their duty to play cruel - and often fatal - barefoot tricks on them. Therefore, Berenice was very quick to react to the Barbarian’s awkward and slow transition towards the kowtow position that he was expected to assume on the Queen’s arrival. The slender but well-toned Chinese looking amazon pointed her pole up and forward and started running down the terrace fast as lightning: as she ran, her bare feet stepped on the backs of rows of Kowtowing men who were absolutely terrified: given their position they could not see what was happening very clearly. However, in the light of so many past traumatizing experiences they were sure that some exemplary Amazonian high kick punishment was about to be unleashed on one or more of them: each time Berenice stepped on the back of a man she left graceful footprints who would quickly disappear. It was like she was blessing the backs of these brutish males with the fair but deadly touch of her immaculate bare soles. On that day, she was dressed with a tight optical body suit which left one leg, one shoulder, part of her back and her tummy completely naked: she was sexy and athletic at the same time: as always her pure and lethal feet were bare and eager to crush male lives. Her hair was pitch black, long, and straight. On her forehead she had bangs that came down right above her determined oriental eyes. As fast as a Ninja, Bernice the Face Flattener reached the perfect distance from the non-complying man for commencing her fatal pole vault of barefoot fury. Letting out a fierce Kiaayi in her native oriental amazon language she stuck the pole on the lower back of a kowtowing man, casually disintegrating his coccyx bone in the process. However, this was not done with the sole purpose of bringing unparalleled agony to another man who happened to be in the wrong place and in the wrong time while an Amazon was busy on a mission: while the barbarian screamed in pain, his breaking coccyx was sent down inside his lower back. As a result, a little cavity was formed in the man’s back which made a perfect a proper and stable support for the pole as the Chinese Amazon propelled her athletic body up into the clear blue air of that eventful morning. Amazons were trained to make use and dispose of male bodies as tools for their own purposes and, with typical female inventiveness they could be very creative with that. It made their missions much more fun and reinforced the idea in their male slaves that their only purpose was to be at the total disposal of the Amazons: at any moment, women would regularly stomp, break, kick male bodies as they seemed fit and with no regard at all for the often crippling or lethal consequence that this implied for the members of the subservient manly sex: therefore as she launched her body towards the blue Amazonian sky air in a superb showcase of agility and finesse, Bernice did not care at all about the fact that she had just turned a man into a permanent cripple. The sad and tragic destiny of a dirty Barbarian was of no consequence for Bernice, the proud heir of a descendance of lethal female ninjas who had exterminated thousands of men in the eastern front of the great wars of the sexes. By pulverising the man’s coccyx with her pole, she had broken the man’s back severing all contacts between the upper and the lower part of his body: the man would now be unable to walk for the rest of his life. For him this meant having to face a destiny which was perhaps worse than death: nothing was more worthless than a disabled male slave in that gynarchic world. Not even his peers were going to help him as they were too busy scraping for survival in a world in which any man could die at any moment: slave labour was hard and dangerous; food and water resources were scant and any distraction any delay in responding to an Amazon order could cost a man his life.
In that world, each Barbarian was being put under such pressure by his Amazon rulers that there was very little space left for solidarity amongst male slaves: the rule was every man for himself because any Amazon was above any man. And those men who couldn’t provide for themselves were left behind to die: this was the sad destiny of that broken coccyx man, condemned to death just because he found himself on the path of an Amazon who needed a stable support for her pole while she was on her way to punishing another man.
As she flew into the air, Bernice the Face Flattener had no time to think about these sociological implications which, by the way, seemed absolutely natural and justifiable to her Amazon mindset. Men and their pathetic problems were beneath her in every possible sense: they were losers who only deserved to suffer and die under female feet. The success of her perfect vault that morning was way more important than the life of all the Barbarians living in the entire Amazonian kingdom: male lives did not matter in that society and this worldview was shared and enthusiastically enforced by all the Amazons.
When she had reached the apex of her vault, Berenice let go of the pole: the long wooden rod remained standing and oscillating in the sun when she let go of it, as its lower end was firmly stuck deep into the back of the man whom Bernice had just permanently crippled. Just before she got rid of the pole, the oriental looking amazon pushed with her arms to propel herself further up into the air: now her silhouette was obscuring the sun projecting Berenice’s shapely shadow unto the terrace. Up until that moment she had kept her feet up towards the sky and her head down but now that she had reached the highest point of her jump she changed position to assume a powerful yoko tobi geri (flying side kick) stance. For a few seconds she seemed suspended into the air, holding her perfect flying sidekick position right in front of the morning sun sun: it was such an iconic martial arts image, showcasing all the skill, the grace, and the mystique of the ancient female art of Amazon Kwon Do.
All the other Amazon guards looked at her in admiration. After all, she came from the Far East of the Amazonian empire: that was the region where Amazon Kwon Do had originated from, before spreading like wildfire all across Amazonhood. Even if many of the most lethal Amazon Kwon Do champions came from the West or from other parts of the gynarchic empire, there was always an underline of respect for Oriental Female martial artists as well as an aura of mystique around them.
And Berenice did earn that respect, way beyond her glorious regional heritage. She was in her late teens when she first arrived to Themyscira to start her career as an Amazon guard. Even though she was very young she had distinguished herself in several military campaigns against rebellious barbarians: that’s where she earned the nick name ‘The Flace Flattener’ and that’s why the Amazon Queen decided to recruit her in the Amazon Guard and take her to Themyscira with her.
As soon as she arrived in the capital city, she had sparked the curiosity of her peers in the Empire’s capital: everyone wanted to know if she knew kicks that were peculiar to the oriental style of this Martial Arts. And crucially, every Amazon could not wait to see Berenice make her debut in the Arena in one of the seasonal tournament fights.
The Beauty VS the Beasts
Never one to let the expectations of her fellow Amazons down, Athena, Queen of the Amazons, had decided to introduce the men-killing talents of her new oriental recruit in a very spectacular match during the best possible showcase situation: a fight in the Arena during the Seasonal Tournaments . Athena ordered that a match had to be scheduled between the Berenice and four huge men-beasts that the Amazons had captured in the mountains.
These men were barely human: they were hairy giants, covered in muscles. The Amazons used them to carry out the most taxing physical jobs that no other Barbarian slave was able to perform. Each one of these beasts was no shorter than 10 feet. Some of them surpassed the height of 11 feet, towering over any other creature as proper giants.
In the male world these beasts would dominate over everyone with their size, physical strength, and brutality. The Barbarian communities that lived in the valleys beneath the mountains from which these beastly giants came from where absolutely terrified by them. In their simple male mind these Barbarians thought these creatures were demi-gods whose wrath they had to placate with tributes and sacrifices. These Barbarians regularly offered some of their livestock and crops to these humungous heathens just to prevent them from attacking their villages in search for food. In some cases, these beasts also liked to feed on human meat: to avoid being randomly predated on, the Barbarians had to perform human sacrifices, offering the corpses of some of their tribesmen to these demonic man monsters. Obviously when the Amazon got to conquer those regions of the Barbarian territories which were infested by these human beasts, the problem was rapidly solved. With their Amazon Kwon Do skills, the women easily exterminated the colonies of these beasts which no army of men had ever been capable of. Soon enough the Amazons and their martial arts feet took the place of the giant man beasts as the new, and admittedly much more evolved and pretty, deities that the Barbarians had to fear and submit to.
Very quickly, the Amazon warriors had eliminated almost all of the male beasts from the mountains. However the female conquerors decided to spare some specimen of their race from extinction and, after domesticating them with repeated barefoot kickings, they took them to Themyscira as slaves. The women thought that these giant men’s brute force may be useful for heavy work in the Capital. Moreover, these male beasts were grotesque, cumbersome creatures that could be showcased as curiosities from the outskirts of the empire in circuses, Zoos, parades, and freak shows of all sorts.
To enormous clamor, Berenice was cast to fight four of these unholy man beasts singlehandedly: the Queen wanted to showcase the infinite powers of Amazon Kwon Do by putting the svelte and diminutive Amazon up against four male giants. She wanted to exalt and celebrate the Amazons and further shame the Barbarians by making them see for the umpteenth time how the barefoot kicks of a single well-trained, smart, and agile girl were immensely more effective and devastating in battle than the brute force of a horde of huge male giants.
On average the height of Amazons went between 170 and 180 cms. However, Oriental amazons were normally shorter than that: Berenice was 168 cms, which was quite tall for an oriental woman. Nevertheless, she looked impressively small compared with the four massive human beasts that she had to fight on her Seasonal Tournament debut.
Chained and bound together like a gang of convicts, the four humongous male beasts looked like a four-headed monstrosity made of flesh, hair, muscles and sweat: however, were keeping their head low as they were being forcibly dragged into Themyscira’s arena by a platoon of regular-size male slaves. From the day of their first encounter with the Amazons, these men beasts had been repeatedly humiliated in fights by women who were much smaller than them: they had learned some humility by having to kiss the bare feet of the women who had destroyed them with their Amazon Kwon Do kicks multiple times. Because of that, they knew that some terrible kicking punishment was awaiting them on that Tournament day: as a result, they were suspicious and reluctant as they were being dragged into that notorius Arena in which so many males had been slaughtered and had died under sexy btu deadly Amazonian soles. However, the shock and the intimidation caused by the sight and the sound of finding themselves right in the middle of the sold-out Arena suddenly waned when this ugly crew finally caught sight of Berenice T e Face Flattener, their comparatively diminutive female opponent who was already waiting for them there. Realising how petite the Amazon who was supposed to face them singlehandedly actually was, the four men-beasts suddenly recovered some of the macho bravado that the previous barefoot beatings that they had to endure from the Amazons had almost eradicated in them.
Before being savagely vanquished by the Amazons, these men used to dominate their opponents with their sheer size. In this case, they also vastly outnumbered the opposition: being cheating cowards, just like all men, these initial conditions of advantage over their female opponent reassured them and they almost had to laugh. In their stupid male eyes, Berenice seemed nothing more than a delicate little flower in the desert, a butterfly which had misguidedly ventured on the ground just to be crushed on the Arena sand by brutal male fists.
From their previous body shattering and soul-destroying experiences with Amazons, these men should have known better: however, years of unearned male-beast privilege were hard to shake and their arrogance quickly came back when they saw their diminutive female opponent. Pretty soon though these men were going to learn an extremely hard – and very final - lesson about female superiority. Before the beginning of the fight though the four heathens still thought that they were going to have an easy day and they exchanged confident and bemused looks amongst them while they faced-off their small and svelte female adversary. As soon as the Barbarian slaves that had escorted them into the Arena had unlocked and removed the chains around their necks, ankles, and wrists, the four giants immediately surrounded Berenice forming a circle around her: standing right at the centre of this unholy circle, the young Eastern martial artist almost disappeared to the eyes of the audience. Feeling safe and bold in their number and size these brutal but ultimately cowardly males started menacingly pointing at her, clenching and shaking their fists, grinding their teeth, beating their chests and generally trying to intimidate the oriental amazon. In their broken tongue they screamed: ‘Men big! Men strong! Woman small! Men rape woman! Man kill Woman!’ With their ugly mouths salivating in anticipation, these men wanted to rip that young woman apart, killing her after they har raped her with their monstrous dicks which were already stiffened for the sight and the presence of their small but sexy female opponent.
As a response to the brutal and threatening behaviour of her ugly opponents, Berenice closed her eyes in concentration and started moving slowly: hers was a mixture between a form of meditation and a dance which she used to concentrate and prepare for her fight. Berenice was wearing a sexy V shaped black leotard which looked like a swimsuit and exposed her tight abdominal muscles and her sexy belly button: obviously her high arched size 7 feet were bare. Just like in a Bruce Lee film, all the muscles in her slender, firm, and svelte body came to the surface and became visible as she warmed up for the fight. The Face Flattener moved slowly, with eyes closed: she was creating a map of her surroundings in her mind and, at the same time she was showing her incredible athleticism and the immense strength of her physique, while keeping her graceful and elegant figure. Despite her impressive showcase she remained way smaller compared to her four huge male enemies, to the point that she had basically disappeared in the circle that their huge bodies had made all around her.
Even the Amazons in attendance, who were normally very confident on the ability of each one of them to annihilate any male threat no matter the size or numbers in which they came, had to gasp in preoccupation when they saw these beasts being deployed against a single diminutive young woman in the Arena. However, two people in the arena were totally calm and unbothered by that situation. One of them was the Queen who was watching the proceeding with a knowing smile on her face: having seen Bernice at work several times, she was absolutely confident about the outcome of the fight and was already anticipating what was going to happen in a few moments. The other one was Berenice herself who, despite her young age, was preparing herself to fight like with the calm of a consummate master. The other
On the other hand, despite their life as slaves under female feet and the multiple kickings they had received from women these deluded men still thought that, by joining their brute force and their massive pshisiques, they could have the upper hand. Even some of the Barbarians in attendance, who were well accustomed to watch their champions being thrashed under the bare feet of female warriors, believed for a few seconds that this time the usually one sided (in favour of the Amazons, of course) confrontation between male and female may have a different outcome…Very soon though, the delusional hopes of the men beasts and their supporters were going to be shattered very violently…
Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee?
Fast forward twenty minutes and the atmosphere in the arena had changed radically.
Amongst the deafening cheers of the hyper excited amazon crowd, the heavily brutalized, bloodied, and mangled corpses of three huge men were lying on top of each other right in the centre of the Arena: they formed a bloody and crooked pile of broken bones, smashed faces and torn limbs. A formless mass of male meat that had just been freshly battered and butchered. On top of them, trampling her freshly destroyed enemies with her pretty bare 7 feet, proudly stood the graceful Berenice basking in the audience’s constant ovation for her performance.
Those bare size 7 feet had been the sole instrument of that massacre and the weapon that had slaughtered Berenice’s brutish adversaries.
As soon as the men beasts attacked her, Berenice exploded into them with a whirlwind of kicks, an acrobatic display of skill, power, and precision that left no chance whatsoever to the ugly crew of humungous heathens that she had to face. At the beginning of the fight the four men, who had surrounded Berenice by forming a circle around her, attacked her simultaneously from all angles, trying to crush her among their huge hairy and sweaty bodies. But Berenice was way more intelligent, fast, agile, and skilled to fall for such a typically simplistic male move: she stunned the four men with two jumping double split kicks to their faces: the first one was directed to the two men who were attacking them from her left and from her right, hitting them right in the mouth with the blade of her foot, splitting their lips in two and making them spit a cloud of blood. Then while the blood of her enemy’s was falling unto her like red drizzle, she touched the ground with the ball of her feet and jumped up again. This time she performed a classic ballerina jump split and kicked upwards with her front and back leg: in this way the instep of her front foot hit right under the chin of the man coming at her frontally (cracking it and making some of his front teeth fly in the air) while the ball and toes of her back foot hit the same spot of the man attacking her from behind with the same devastating results. This spectacular kick combo, performed at unbelievable speed, made the four men scream and back off in unbelievable agony, while the Amazon crowd conceded Berenice the first of the many standing ovations that she was going to receive that day. She had just repelled the attack of four beastly men by combining the arts of Amazon Kwon Do and Ballet: she may have been diminutive compared to them but culturally, athletically and spiritually Berenice was a giant compared to them. And this was just the beginning of her showcase of Female Martial Arts Supremacy that day.
After that initial defensive (but very devastating) double split combo, the initiative in the fight passed firmly into the hands (or should we say, the feet) of Berenice the Face Flattener…and she never let it go.
Like a high-kicking barefoot human tornado, the young female oriental master started jumping, sliding, flying, running, cater vaulting among her huge opponents, using her superior agility, dexterity and speed to confuse, shock and, most importantly kick her enemies from all positions. For the delight of the Amazons and the despair of the Barbarians in the audience, the Chinese firecracker constantly outsmarted the four humungous male beasts, making them spin around, look all around them in confusion, fall down, bump into each other. Totally overwhelmed by the unexpected superiority of their diminutive opponent, the four beasts didn’t know where to turn, look, let alone strike with their dumb and slow macho fists. The only thing that they knew was that Berenice’s feet were going to strike at any moment and that they were going to hit them in the most painful, fast, unexpected, and effective manner.
The famous Mohammed Alì motto ‘Float like a butterfly, Sting like a bee’ would have been perfect to describe the quality of Berenice’s perfect technique against her opponents. However, comparing the effects of Berenice’s devastating kicks on her unfortunate opponents to simple a sting by a bee would be rather reductive. Each time the oriental fighter hit her enemies with her lovely toes she ran through their thick and callous skin like a knife through butter. When she blasted them with the instep of her pretty feet, male beast noses would crack and teeth would fly in the air, followed by ribbons of dense Barbarian blood. Whenever she hammered her perfumed heels against the skull or the body of one of her enemies she would sever muscles and dig holes through their massive bone structures. Each time she would use the sensual ball of her feet against her human targets she would make sure that internal organs would bleed and regular body functions would be forever compromised. It was an authentic cruel but beautifully choreographed massacre carried out by a young, petite and very skilled woman at the expense of four huge, brutal, and cumbersome male creatures. Fast and unpredictable in her tactic, she often used the body, the shoulders, backs and heads of one or two men as vantage points, supports or springboards to assault other members of this brutal male crew. She would do it by jumping from one enemy to another with flying kicks. She would make one man bend forward with a kick to the lower belly or groin and then she rolled with her back on his back to perform a cartwheel kick aimed at another opponent who was standing by his side. She would crouch, dive and slide between colossal Barbarian legs to kick their groins from underneath or to emerge behind their backs and kick them from unexpected angles. Then she would execute a perfect backflip somersault just to land with one foot on the left shoulder and the other one on the right one of one of one of her opponents who was trying to attack her from behind, so that his huge head was positioned right between her feet. As the man, shocked by Berenice’s inventiveness and agility, was vainly trying to shrug her off from her shoulders, Berenice would be beatific and unbothered, perfectly capable of keeping her balance despite the awkward efforts of the man beneath her feet. Then she would point her feet outwards, take a little ballet jump over the man’s shoulders and smash both her purely rounded heels against the ears of the man beast, fracturing his eardrums, causing his hears to spray out geysers of blood from both sides, and probably making him a deaf man forever (not that he would need his earing for much longer though). After that she would land on his shoulders again, bend her knees to execute a perfect backflip away from her victim, who was still screaming in agony for Berenice ear destroying double heels kick. While she was in the air she would kick the man in the back of the head to make him bump into one of his cohorts while she was gracefully landing with both feet on the chest and belly of another man beast that she has previously kicked to the ground and that was lying behing her. This is just one example of one of the endless acrobatic, creative and devastating combinations that Berenice unleashed on her much bigger but infinitely inferior opponents. By fighting in this way, she was defusing and ridiculing her enemies’ size, brute force, and weight by using them against them. With her superior female intelligence, Berenice knew that by using their opponents’ unearned male assets as her own weapons against themselves, she was making their macho insecurities come to the surface: after each tricky kicking combination from her these savage beasts became more and more desperate and hopeless. On the other hand, she was using her feminine speed, her agility and hard-earned Amazon Kwon Do skills to unleash high kicking hell on her enemies. And she looked focused but also fresh, elegant, and graceful as she was doing it: she was making her incredible fighting performance look easy. Despite the hot sun that shined on Themyscira’s arena, Berenice didn’t even break a sweat as she was mercilessly and spectacularly demolishing her huge multiple enemies with her lethal bare feet: meanwhile her beastly opponents were sweating, bleeding, and spitting their guts out in the unbearable heat of that morning spent under the barefoot kicking bombardment of this petite oriental firecracker.
The four men found themselves spinning around desperately trying to locate the rapidly changing position of their much smaller but way more clever and agile, female opponent. Amongst the derision of the Amazon crowd, they would comically swing their huge fists hitting nothing but air (or sometimes one of their teammates) or clench their arms trying to catch her as she was flying amongst her like a jet fighter plane that, instead of launching missiles, was shooting flurries of kicks. They looked like four furious King Kongs being attacked by fighter jets in the middle of the city: but in this case fighter jet Berenice was way too fast skilled and clever for them to catch her. This time the woman that these beasts idolized and were secretly in love with was not unconscious in their huge hands, on the contrary. No romance between the woman and beasts here, just kicks, thousands of kicks, all delivered by the Beauty and taken by the Beasts. The beauty in this situation was Berenice herself AKA the Face Flattener, or the one who was merciless showering her male beasts with kicks, making them suffer until the very end in the name of Female Martial Arts Supremacy and thus realising the will of the Goddesses as well as Mother Nature's design.
Pain and Pleasure: A Balancing Act
Completely overwhelmed by the superiority of their opponent, the four men tried everything their simple minds could muster in order to oppose Berenice and save their lives: at a certain point, they tried to take her on a series of individual duels but each one of them was easily spectacularly defeated. When they saw that none of them had any hope against this formidable opponent, they resumed their cowardly four men attack but, once again, they could not lay a single blow on her. On her part, Berenice kept on landing hundreds of kicks to each one of them, breaking bones, blinding eyes, shattering ears, cracking jaws, fracturing ribs, splintering joints, smashing noses, destroying groins and compromising internal organs with her pretty but tremendous size 7 feet.
From the beginning of the fight, she realised that the men were clearly sexually excited by her body and in particular by her bare feet: their huge monstrous dicks were clearly and pathetically sticking out of the leather kilts that the men were wearing: as the fight progressed and as Berenice demonstrated her undisputable superiority with her kicks, the men couldn’t help getting more and more aroused by their female opponent. This reaction it was only natural: as men, it was deeply engraved in their nature to pay homage with their dicks to the skill and power of a woman’s bare feet, especially to the feet of the woman who was publicly kicking their ass with them. Using a well trusted amazon technique Berenice knew how to make good use of the mental confusion that the men were experience having to fight for their life against her feet, i.e. the object of their most profound desire and devotion. In one of the several moments in which the men were surrounding her, with their huge dicks stiffened and pointing towards her, Berenice decided to make another incredibly clever move. She jumped up and called her knees to her chest: she jumped higher than the men’s heads, making all the four men beasts look up at her dumbly as they realised she has fooled them once again with her agility. But her cunning move did not stop at that. Berenice straightened her shapely legs, as she was falling back towards the ground and right in the middle of the circle that her enemies had built around her with their humungous bodies. However, both to her enemies’ and her audience’s surprise, her feet did not land back on the Arena’s blood-wet sand. Before her bare soles touched the ground, Berenice put her right foot on the glans of one of the men and her other foot on the same part of the beast man who was standing in front of him. The men’s penises were so big and hard that, when Berenice landed on them, they flexed towards the ground like an elastic mat under the weight of an acrobat and then they came back up even more turgid and furtherly enlarged by the painful but irresistible contact with the sexy toes of their female opponent. A consummate and well-trained acrobat since she was a child, Berenice managed to keep her balance easily, until the penises on which she was trampling stopped flexing up and down like springboards. Being so huge and hard, the penises of the Beast men were perfectly able to sustain Berenice’s full body weight and their swollen glanses were large enough for her to stand with one foot on each cock: as soon as the dicks stopped moving, Berenice even assumed a graceful ballerina stance, standing suspended at a couple of meters from the ground, with her big toes pointing straight over the upper part of each men’s glans. And there she stood, emerging from the waist up from the ugly mass of her enemies’ bodies, like and oriental Venus coming out of hell. Berenice stood proud and elegant, trampling on two swollen dicks, amongst the stupor of her enemies and of the Arena’s crowd, triumphant like a synchronized swimmer or a cheerleader supported by her teammates during the most spectacular moment of an Olympic exhibition.
The surreal and totally masterful aspect of it was that she was actually a petite female fighter who was completely dominating and humiliating four huge men who were hellbent on killing her! And she was doing it by using the stiffened dicks of her brutal foes as a support for her lethal and pretty feet!
Enchanted and stupefied by the dexterity and inventiveness of their young champion, the Amazon the crowd exploded in a roaring applause as Berenice saluted them by throwing her arms in the air like a gymnast after a particularly difficult exercise.
Then she turned her attention to her completely stunned and overwhelmed enemies. By this point in the fight, Berenice had already bombarded them with thousands of kicks which had shattered, devastated, crippled, and humiliated them. On top of that, Berenice’s current spectacular move was so above their mental, physical, and psychological level that they just stood there completely hypnotized and almost paralysed by this umpteenth astonishing trick that their female enemy had played on them. ‘How does it feel to have my bare feet trampling right on your hardened dicks guys?’ Berenice said sarcastically two the two men on whose penises she was standing on. The two men were so incredibly overwhelmed by the opposing sensation that Berenice’s and that entire situation was making them feel that they could only reply with a beastly ‘uuurrggh’. ‘Hahaha’ Berenice laughes mockingky ‘You know what? I did not expect much more from you as a reply from simpletons like yourself’. Then she turned towards the other two men on whose dicks she was not standing but were just as excited as their luckier friends 'And you two don’t you be so jealous! You will get your share of my feet on your stupid dicks very soon. The contact with my bare feet is a privilege that must be earned don’t you know that? Today you will pay a comparatively small price for having been in touch with my feet for so long. The life of four ugly men-beasts like yourself, the survival of your entire despicable breed, is not worth a single drop of sweat between my toes, as it should be clear to you by now. Not surprisingly, the four men-beasts replied with a muffled moan which sounded like the instictive recognition of the undeniable truth that the formidable female martial artist standing on their dicks had just enunciated. Berenice was satisfied when she head their opponent’s humble reply to her fierce words: in a matter of minutes, with her unstoppable barrage of barefoot kicks, the petite Chinese girl had already domesticated and enslaved these four savage beasts. Now she could do anything with them. The Face Flattener smiled confidently: the most spectacular part of her Tournament show was about to begin.
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