The Final Tournament Part 1: Celebration Days

A tale of Female Martial Arts Supremacy by Kicked72

In a time before the beginning of history as we know it…

It was twenty years now since the Amazons had easily defeated the Barbarians in the Great War of the Sexes. As a result, these indomitable female warriors had established absolute dominance over the brutish male heathens. Now women ruled over the entire known world and their domination was firm, stern, and undisputed. 
Since then, as a way to celebrate their victory and to pass on the memory of their glorious triumph over the Barbarians to younger generations, the Amazons would give their male subjects the chance to challenge them in a regular series of tournaments of single unarmed fights. In the wake of her sex’s most glorious triumph, the glorious Queen of the Amazons solemnly established that, four times per year - to coincide with each change of season - the best fighters among the Barbarians would challenge the most distinguished Amazon warriors for one entire day of combat. At the end of each fight, the loser was left at the mercy of the winner. Even in that though, in keeping with the laws of that supremely misandrist society, Amazon fighters enjoyed a wider set of rights and options over their defeated opponents than the Barbarians did. In case of victory, a male fighter had only two options: he could decide if he wanted to spare the life of his female adversary - and let her go free - or kill her: however, this was an option that always remained strictly confined in the realm of pure theory, as it will be reported. On the other hand, an Amazon could choose between killing, crippling, castrating or, if she was feeling generous and she needed servants - and if the Barbarian’s had not been too severely disabled during the fight - sparing her opponent to take him home as her personal slave. Sometimes these destinies were intertwined and combined for the men, as Amazons had a lot of fun in torturing their defeated opponents for the absolute delight of the females in the audience, before executing or, more rarely, enslaving them. A typical - and very popular -fatality combination was crippling torture, followed by castration, and finally execution. By the time of the execution, most of these men had been well beyond the point of insanity by the amount of agony they had been put though: this generated grotesque scenes which became legendary in the history of the tournaments. These accounts were passed on in both communities from generation to generation: for the Amazons they were tales of glee, fun, sass, and glory. On the other hand, for the Barbarians these were dreadful tales of sorrow, merciless torture, and unspeakable degradation under the bare feet of the always victorious Amazons. For any man, it was an appalling and humiliating fate. The only alternative to that for a Barbarian was to wake up from a post beating semi-comatose state and discover that a new life as a - very disposable - male slave in an Amazonian household had begun for him.
These tournaments played a crucial societal role in those gynarchic times. In the Amazon’s worldview, fighting, defeating, and humiliating the men again and again at each change of season was an important ritual which, other than celebrating their landslide victory over the men in the Great War of the Sexes, reaffirmed the natural and unending supremacy of the female over the male, for all time. The Amazons were absolutely – and correctly - confident in their ability to outfight the Barbarians endlessly. Indeed, the tournament was just a cyclical way of regularly vindicating the righteousness of the Amazons’ dominance over the men. It was also an act of benevolence of the ruling females towards their male subjects, showing that, despite having established their undoubtable superiority in combat in the war, the Amazons were generous enough to give the men a chance to face them in fair fights to try and regain some self-respect. Moreover, through the tournaments, the women conceded the possibility for the men to slightly alleviate the duress of the strict Amazon rule. In fact, the fights happened under the premise, established by the women, that the Amazons were going to allow the Barbarians to submit some minor proposals to slightly improve the abysmal condition of their sex in that supremely gynarchic society. However, the men needed to earn the right to be heard by their rulers by winning at least a single match in a tournament. The traditional tournament day program consisted of 16 matches: in keeping with the rule of four each tournament day was divided in four sections each one featuring  4 matches, one for each season. All this happened four times per year: if the Barbarians ever managed to win even just one single match during a tournament, they could have enjoyed the right to submit their requests to their female leaders in order to soften their iron rule over them. However, by winning one match, the men only earned the right to simply voice their queries: their proposals would still be subject to the Amazon queen’s evaluation. So even if they won, the Barbarians were not sure that their request would have been met as every final decision in Amazon society had to be taken by a woman. But if the Amazons would win all the fights, as it always happened, the Barbarians would suffer cruel consequences and be subject to further restrictions of their already scarce liberties and rights. Shamefully for the men, what seemed like a relatively simple task – winning just one match in any of the four annual editions of the tournament – proved to be an unsurpassable hurdle for the deluded Barbarians. Predictably, there never was any honour for them in the seasonal tournaments, on the contrary: in ten years, no barbarian had even managed to lay a single blow on an Amazon, let alone win a duel against one of those undefeatable female martial artists. Therefore, the Barbarians never even got to the stage of speaking out their humble pleas and each tournament had only brough further humiliation, defeat, and death to the men.


The reason for the females’ absolute superiority over the men in combat was easy to identify as it laid in the Amazons’ unbeatable fighting technique. The Amazons were able to effortlessly win the great war against the Barbarians thanks to their prowess in bare handed combat…or perhaps we should more appropriately say ‘bare footed combat’: in fact, the Amazons had created and refined to perfection a lethal and unique kick-based combat discipline called Amazon Kwon Do. It was a fighting style that exalted all the best characteristic of the female body and spirit: agility, flexibility, speed, skill, grace, leg power, cleverness, and even sassy humour. All the lethal Amazon Kwon Do techniques involved the use of feet to strike adversaries and the long-legged Amazons immediately became infallible at kicking Barbarian heads, bodies, and groins with deadly power, skill, and precision. Since childhood, all Amazons were rigorously trained in this man-slaughtering martial art. As many epic amazon victories had demonstrated, a single unarmed amazon could easily defeat hundreds of fully armed Barbarians by just using her Amazon Kwon Do kicks. Soon enough, the Barbarians had learned to respect and fear the pretty but lethal feet of the Amazons for what they actually were: unstoppable weapons of mass male destruction and instruments of dominance over the men. Among Barbarians the shock and the awe for Amazonian bare feet was an unescapable reality. All Barbarians would wake up at night in tears with nightmares about being vanquished by and humiliated under bare Amazonian feet: most of the time those nightmares, mostly based on direct and traumatizing past experiences, were wet ones too…
Knowing that they had instilled a sacred fear of their feet into the Barbarian’s collective and individual psyche, the Amazons rigorously fought in their bare feet during the tournament, as they had done throughout the Great War of the Sexes: it was a factual and symbolic reminder of their supremacy over the men. They used their feet not only to defeat but also to humiliate and abuse the Barbarians to remind the men of their weakness and inferiority. Pretty soon the Amazon’s bare feet became an all-powerful deity for the Barbarians: they were feared but also worshipped as invincible weapons and instruments of domination. In the weak, simple, and confused male mind, this devotion overlapped with sexual desire for those sexy and lethal feet that were the cause of many Barbarian deaths and humiliations: no Barbarian could fight against a barefooted Amazon without being sexually aroused by her deadly feet. This became another disadvantage for the men who fought for their lives with confused and blurry minds (as well as very stiff dicks). On the other hand, the already far superior Amazon opponents – who were fully aware of the multiplicity of the devastating effect that their deadly and sexy paws were having on their opponents – always fought with laser sharp focus and clear heads, often making fun of the men’s awkward mental confusion as they slayed them kick after kick. These fierce warrior women always kept their feet not only well trained but also perfectly pedicured and sexy: they wanted the Barbarians to be psychologically overwhelmed and bewildered by being hurt and killed by the beautiful object of their own sexual desire. The women wanted to make sure that, in the male mind, the natural and irresistible sexual desire for female feet was inextricably connected and associated with the agony, defeat, humiliation and degradation that the men suffered by way of those same feet: the Amazons instinctively understood the immense power of that association and how devastating it was for the psyche of their inferior male opponents. Needless to say, barefoot female kicks, stomps, and tramples straight into male groins were one of the favourite techniques used by the Amazons to beat, torture and often kill their opponents during the tournament fights. Barefoot castration, performed as a crowd-pleasing fatality at the end of one sided (in favour of the Amazons) matches, became a national sport within a sport. For the delight of the Amazon audience and for the horror of the Barbarian fighters and attending crowds, the female fighters were always experimenting new, creative, and often funny/grotesque ways of caponizing the freshly defeated men with their feet during their training for the tournaments. With countless losses of meaningless Barbarian lives, the women would try those techniques out on male slaves in the Amazon Kwon Do academies. Sometimes, when they wanted to keep their experiments secret so that they could surprise the audience with their acrobatic and sadistic male destroying kicks, they would practice in the privacy of their home gyms with their private slaves: in both cases, they always managed to shine and show off in the arena, prompting the assembled crowd to give them repeated standing ovations. These barefoot castrations were so incredibly spectacular, clever, and intense that even the assembled Barbarians had to homage the greatness of the male-mutilating Amazonian feet with huge collective ejaculations while hot tears of humiliation and fear were running down their ugly cheeks. 


Year after year, every edition of the tournament confirmed and validated the outcome of the Great War of the Sexes: victory and glory for the high kicking Amazons, tragedy, and humiliation for the forever deluded Barbarians. However, this never-ending stream of flawless victories which showed the Amazons' undisputed martial arts supremacy and the Barbarians’ pathetic weakness were starting to bore these fierce women. The greatness of this superior all-female civilization was determined by these women’s restless search to better and outdo the incredible achievements that they had already reached. Therefore, the Amazons started to raise the odds against their own warriors, hoping to make things more exciting for the women and even more humiliating for the men during the tournament. First, they stopped deploying their best and battle tested fighters against the Barbarians, as the superiority of the expert women warriors over the men was almost ridiculously obvious. Instead, they started sending young Amazons into the tournament arena: these girls were 18-year-old rookies who were in their final year of training at the Amazon Kwon Do academy of female martial arts. For these teenage female foot fighters, the tournament was a rite of passage, almost a graduation exam: needless to say, even the Amazon rookies proved too much for the Barbarians. Each duel ended with battered faces, broken bodies, crippled limbs, and crushed groins for the men who found humiliation, shame, and very often death under the lethal bare feet of a feisty and lethally skilled young amazon. Faced with the manifest inferiority of the men, the Amazons kept on introducing new rules in order to make the tournaments as competitive and challenging as possible: they allowed the Barbarian fighters to carry weapons and shields, just like they did in the war,  while the Amazons would still fight bare handed, barefoot, and unprotected apart from a simple loin cloth covering their pretty female crotch and a minimal bra over the breasts. That was customary for the Amazons who never wore shoes, armors,  helmets, or shields not even during the great battles of the war of the Sexes: agility, speed, and flexibility were vital to perform their spectacular Amazon Kwon Do kicks and they did not want their slender but supremely athletic bodies to be weighed down by heavy armory. Moreover, they did not deem their male enemies to be able to harm or even touch them, even when the men were carrying weapons: given their unique combat style, armors would have resulted in a hindrance rather than an advantage for the women, both in battle and in the Arena fights. And ultimately, why wear armors or carry weapons when an Amazon could destroy hundred of Barbarians with just her bare feet…
Since the Barbarians were still losing regularly, despite the starting advantages that the women were condeding them, the Amazons even let the barbarians fight in groups of three or four against one single unarmed young female warrior; some girls even decided to fight with their hands tied behind their back, other girls asked to be blindfolded as well…same result, same endless series of crushing Barbarian defeats. Actually, the tournaments were not onlyabout the, clearly nonexistent, competion between the superior women and the desperately inferior men. Public humiliation of the Barbarians was also a key element of these events and a potent reminder of the social order. The fights always turned out to be massive displays of glorious foot domination by the Amazons over the Barbarians: the Amazons used these occasions to show off their ability to command men with their feet. After being easily defeated by their female opponents, the men were forced to kiss, suck, and lick the bare feet of the Amazon who had just destroyed them. Then the Amazon would decide on her defeated foe’s destiny: she could make him his slave for life or just out him out of his misery under her feet. In each case, the face of every defeated man was going to get branded with the footprint of the Amazon who had defeated or killed him: in this way the man would be forever recognised as his female conqueror’s property both in this life as well as in the afterworld. This was the other final move that, alongside the castration by feet, was highly appreciated by the Amazon crowd. The branding of the Barbarian’s face had to be done with one final kick at the end of the fight. It had to be spectacular but at the same time very accurate: not too lethal, if the Amazon had decided to let the man live to become a slave but absolutely deadly if the Barbarian had to be sent to hell with that final kick. The branding of a man’s face with the footprint of his mistress also facilitated the enslavement of the man. The Amazon’s scientists had found out that such a powerful impact of the ball of the female foot with a man’s occipital area unleashed a neurological reaction in the male’s brain cortex which led to a better and deeper instinctive understanding of his undeniably submissive nature. Basically, the amazons were practicing brain surgery on the men with their lethal Amazon Kwon Do feet.
It was the final coup de théâtre which would crown and each amazon’s winning performance at the Seasonal Tournament.
This last branding ritual provided great amusement for the Amazons and sent the Barbarians into further depths of hopelessness and despair. It was followed by the part in which the Amazon Queen would select as many male slaves as she wanted among the gathered barbarians. The men would be then taken to the Amazon’s city to be employed in the most humiliating chores and jobs which no self-respecting Amazon would ever think of bothering herself with. These jobs included being drafted as kicking dummies in one of the Amazon Kwon Do academies, a prospect that instilled pure fear in the minds of any Barbarian.
Despite the non-existent competition provided by the men, The Amazons had kept the ritual of the seasonal tournaments going throughout the years for several reasons. First of all, the regular and repeated humiliation of the Barbarians was useful to keep the men physically and psychologically subjugated. Moreover, it erased any hope in them for possible attempts at turning the tables in that female dominated society. After having witnessed years of this brutal ritual of female supremacy, all males in the Amazon’s queendom considered themselves nothing more than vermin ready to be squashed under a woman’s pretty bare foot. With typical female intelligence, the Amazons presented these chances to fight for their rights as acts of benevolence to the Barbarians: the fact that the Barbarians could never take advantage of these tournaments - because none of them was ever able to win a single fight against an Amazon - was actually another deadly blow to the already broken self-esteem of the men. It reminded everyone, and especially the men, that the order of that society which placed women firmly on top and the men crushed under bare female feet was legitimate, just, and absolutely natural. However, the dumb males had to show up at each tournament only to be crippled or killed by the Amazons and their feet year after year. It must be said that the men were obliged to show up, if they did not want to face even worse consequences at the hands of their female masters. However, these men were so delusional that deep down on their stupid male hearts they retained a beam of hope that one day they might win at least one fight…Of course this was never going to happen: only a tribe of dumb males could be this delusional and the women knew it very well. Having to suffer humiliating defeats in combat at the hands and feet of their amazon rulers four times a year, reminded the Barbarians of their total inferiority. Each year the tournament reconfirmed the righteousness of the outcome of the great war between barbarians and amazons and further legitimised the absolute domination of the females over the men. Furthermore, the seasonal tournament had benefits for the demographic control of the Amazon community. Since hundreds of men were killed in each edition of the tournament, these games helped keeping the growth of the male population under control. Furthermore, the matches had become a very useful way to test the fighting skills of the young amazon warriors: these young women could experience their first fights to the death. They would learn to administer mercy or no mercy to a man who was lying under their feet. If they hadn’t killed or irreparably damaged their male opponent during the fight, the young amazons could also acquire their first personal male slaves thanks to the tournament and apply to him all the lessons they had been taught about male enslavement by bare feet. Among the many use of a slave there was work as personal training dummies for an Amazon: in this way the young amazons could continue practising their barefoot kicking skills each day on a flesh and bone men in their homes, to continue excersising after they had graduated from the Amazon Kwon Do academy. Always striving for excellence, each Amazon fighter kept on improving, perfecting and honing her barefoot kicking skills for her entire life: having male human targets to practice on was crucial to their lifelong learning process. Ultimately, winning their first real fights and learning how to enslave and tame a male Barbarian coming from the villages were actually crucial rites of passage in the life of a young teenage Amazon. 


After twenty years of tournaments though, all the male warriors from the Barbarian villages had been systematically slaughtered or enslaved by the Amazons. There was no more male material to continue the tradition of the tournament, also because men were already dying on a daily basis under the iron feet of the Amazons for many different causes: to keep on ritually killing dozens of men four times a year at each change of season would have further decimated the male workforce that the Amazons needed, in order to make them carry out all the slave work in their cities, mansions and fields. As much as they hated and despised men, they could not extinguish their sex completely: they needed them as slaves and workers to perform all the chores that any self-respecting amazon would never do. Moreover, those who were sent to fight – and die - in the tournament were often the strongest individuals from each Barbarian village: killing all of them would have weakened the pool of the amazon’s slave workers too much. Moreover, many men died every dsy under amazon rule. It was calculated that in the Amazon Kwon Do Academies of Themyshira only, at least 50 men died each day so that young amazons could be trained to fight with their feet. Dozens of male slaves also died while performing other humiliating and chores that they needed to do to keep Amazonian society working. Moreover, thousands of men were being executed each year throughout the queendom for breaking the severe Amazon anti male laws, rules, and regulations in various ways. Adding the death toll of the tournaments was starting to become too much for the stability of that society. Therefore, the Amazons’ queen had to reluctantly take the momentous decision to discontinue the tradition after the fourth tournament of the twentieth year. She sent emissaries to every corner of the known world, to officially announce to all Amazons and Barbarians that the forthcoming edition of the ritual fights was going to be the very last one. It was also the last instalment of that year’s tournaments, which was always  taking place on the calendar day in which the Summer was giving way to the Fall. The Queen also decreed that since this finale edition was going to be a particularly grandiose event, it was going to last for four days instead of one. Moreover, the royal decree announced that during the euphoric celebrations which always followed the tournament days, the Amazons would be allowed to abuse and pillage the defeated Barbaric tribes even more savagely than usual for this special final event. And finally, even if the big National tournament were being dismissed, Amazons were still free to keep on organising similar smaller events at local level so that they could test Amazon Kwon Do school graduates and keep the growth of male population under control in their communities. This sensational and historical piece of news caused different reactions in the two communities. Initially, the Amazons were shocked and saddened by being told that their most storied, popular, and beloved tradition - as well as their favourite form of entertainment - was being called off. So many poems, paintings, sculptures, and songs had celebrated the glory of the Amazonian champions and their incredible achievements throughout the years. Similarly, so many jokes, caricatures, and offensive ditties had been forged by the Amazons to further humiliate and deride the eternally losing Barbarians who had died with humiliation under female bare feet. The news that all this was soon going to become a thing of the past was a melancholic thought for many Amazons. However, they understood the reasons which lead their Queen to take that momentous decision. Moreover, the idea of this huge final event started to send waves of excitement through the Amazonian ranks. Everyone wanted to attend this ultimate triumph, either as a spectator or as a fighter. Every Amazon wanted to look at their best, be it on the marble terraces or on the sandy soil of the fighting arena. Furthermore, everybody knew that the post-fights celebrations – which were always legendary during the regular tournaments - were going to be absolutely epic this time. As the days of the event approached, the excitement had become enormous and almost incontrollable throughout the Amazonian communities in every corner of the known world: thousands and thousands of over excited Amazons were expected to converge on the queendom’s capital for a gathering that was certainly going down in history. At the lower end of Amazonian society, the enslaved Barbarians had mixed feelings about the Queen’s decision. On one side, they were relieved that this twenty-year history of repeated yearly massacres and bitter humiliations was finally coming to an end. However, the idea of a four-day event of one-sided matches in the Amazon’s arena made them shake with fear. That meant that at least 260 men were going to be beaten, crippled, humiliated and killed under the feet of Amazons during the matches alone. On the terraces, violence from the Amazon guards against Barbarians in attendance was certainly going to happen, leading to further deaths and crippling injuries among the men. Moreover, several dozens of Barbarians were going to be taken as slaves by the Amazon fighters – and sometimes by audience members too - as prizes for their victories in the Arena. In the post tournament celebrations, which could last one week or more, the abuse and the violence towards men in the Capital and all over the Amazonian queendom was going to be absolutely terrifying. Each man knew that the Amazons were going to be particularly wild, ruthless, and violent in their celebrations since this was going to be the final great tournament. Only the Amazon Goddesses of Olympus knew which special treats the female fighters were going to unleash on the barbarians in order to make the last tournament particular memorable and to leave their footprint on this ultimate event. Even when thinking ahead about the aftermath of the last tournament, things did not look bright for the Barbarians: they already knew that the ending of the tournaments’ tradition was not going to bring Amazonian violence against men to a halt, on the contrary! Tournaments were going to continuing at local level and perhaps these minor events were going to feature even more vicious and uncontrolled forms of female foot violence against the men. Most of all, the abuse of men by the amazons was not certainly confined within the walls of fight Arena in that stern and severe gynocracy. Houses, streets, jobs, academies, gyms, taverns, big cities, villages and the countryside too: in every corner of that queendom, women could dispose of men in any way they wanted with almost no consequences at all…and that was not going to change forever and ever! However, despite all these terrifying prospects, the final tournament also represented the last chance for the Barbarians to win one single match against an Amazon. Even if no one in both the amazon’s and the Barbarian camp believed this was even a remote possibility, a single victory meant one last opportunity to submit some pleads to the mercy of their severe female conquerors. Nobody knew if in the future the Amazon rules were going to give other similar chances to the Barbarians. Despite the manifest superiority of the Amazon,  the Barbarians were still hoping that – in case they could win one fight against an amazon in the final edition of the tournament - the entire tribe might have some little concession from their merciless female rulers, just before even the remote idea of this opportunity would disappear forever. The Barbarian community really had to take this final chance as they really were on their last legs: after twenty years of stern female rule, the living conditions of the male population were absolutely dismal. They desperately needed some relief from all the hindrances that were plaguing their everyday life: malnutrition, fatigue, epidemics, unescapable poverty, excessive cruelty from the Amazons. This final tournament represented one last, albeit very unlikely, opportunity to at least talk about their terrible conditions to the Amazon Queen, hoping for an act of mercy from her: some measure that might at least partially improve the dismal conditions of the Barbarians in the Amazon queendom. 
And so, with very different mindsets, the two communities were getting ready for the ultimate edition of the Seasonal Tournaments, the one that promised to be the most memorable festive event on the history of the Amazonian queendom, even topping the wild celebrations which took place on the victory day of the Great War of the Sexes.


After several weeks of preparation that only filled the Amazonian camp with increasing euphoria and excitement as much as they spread growing fear and anguish in the Barbarian’s already depressed community, the first day of the final tournament arrived. The tournaments were always taking place in Themyscira’s - the shiny capital of the Amazon’s queendom - main fighting Arena. These free events attracted a huge audience and the arena was always completely packed: for this final edition though the attendance figures broke every previous record on each single day. The enormous success in terms of participation was nothing but expected: since the Queen’s announcement, the entire Amazon queendom had been filled with manic anticipation which soon turned into a tidal wave of collective excitement as the date of the first day of fights approached.
For the Amazons, the seasonal tournaments were a special social occasion, a festive gathering, and a celebration of their superiority over men. These women were all statuesque, athletic, and stunningly beautiful: on tournament days they put a lot of effort into looking even more extraordinarily pretty and for this final occasion they had certainly outdone themselves. However, their clothing style always remained minimal. Being first and foremost a race of martial artists, athletes and gymnasts, Amazons liked to always be ready for physical action, training, and combat: they rejected fancy or heavy clothing that inhibited their movements and compromised their speed. Moreover, they loved to show off their slender but muscular bodies and to compare it with their peers: this was done without envy or jealousy as each Amazon was a fully accomplished and successful woman. They just enjoyed checking out each other’s bodies as a mutual celebration of their own qualities as a race and as the superior sex. The warm and mild climate of Themyscira allowed them to always be scantily dressed without being cold: their attire was minimal but elegant. It was the same attire that they would wear in battle or any other everyday activity: on special occasions such as the seasonal tournament days the Amazons’ scant garments would come in particularly precious and refined fabrics. Moreover, they would add some minimal pieces of jewelry around their fine fingers, necks, wrists or ankles: wearing light spiral anklets was particularly common. Amazons would wear them in order to enhance and highlight their supple ankles and their muscular but always shapely calves as well as to draw further attention towards their pretty, slender, lethal, deadly and much feared bare feet. The naturally smooth and silky texture of the Amazons’ skin was legendary: these portentous women knew that and they were really proud of their perfect skin, especially in comparison to the rough and rugged skin of the inferior male Barbarians, and they took good care of it. Furthermore, being almost entirely naked most of the time, Amazons took particular care in having their skin treated with lotions, soaps and all kinds of concoctions which would make the surface of their bodies even more well-toned, perfectly moisturized, lightly tanned and always irresistibly perfumed.
Typically, Amazons would wear a simple cloth around their waist which in these occasions would be made of fine silk. The front and the rear pieces of the cloth, which were cut in triangular shape, would be connected by tiny silver or golden chains – sometimes it might just be a rope - running across the women’s hips: thus, the full length of their slender and muscular legs was perfectly visible, from their toes up to their exquisite hips. In this way, their shapely and solid behind and their groin were only lightly covered and always fresh and well aired. Moreover, this light garment allowed them to jump, dance and kick their legs in every direction with no impediments whatsoever. This was really important for these women who were always ready to explode into physical activity, be it to show another Amazon some new technique or simply to kick the living deadlights out of a male slave. Amazon breasts were remarkably firm and never too big or invasive: however, to keep them even more tight and attached to their bodies during their physically active days, the women would always wear a simple sports bra across their chest, covering their nipples and the central part of their bosom. Essentially, they were wearing what today we would call a bikini. Alternatively, they may wear a very short and light silk robe which would cover their breast and groin and leave their, arms, shoulders, neck, legs and feet completely naked. Other times they may wear tight leotards similar to those that gymnasts would were nowadays. In any case, they were all rigorously barefoot: the Amazons’ legendary feet were always very attentively pedicured. In each Amazon household at least three male slaves were exclusively dedicated to the manically attentive care of the feet of one single Amazon. It was a honourable but very dangerous role for a slave: a man might pay with his life if he committed the slightest mistake during a pedicure. Every woman knew that her bare feet were her most powerful and feared weapon: they knew they had to treat them well. Especially on days like these Amazons wanted to show off their feet in all their beauty and power: as a result, their bare feet looked and smelled even more stunning than usual, inducing equal measures of irresistible attraction, infinite devotion, and pure terror in their male slaves. In the presence of a pair of bare Amazon feet, Barbarian slaves would throw themselves on the floor, hoping, begging, craving for the thrill and the honor to be used as human carpets by a female warrior. Very often, the mere sight, scent or even the simple thought of the bare feet of a particularly strong barbarian warrior was enough to cause uncontrollable, spontaneous, and abundant emissions of sperm in those male slaves who had finally found their real place in the natural order of the world thanks to their condition of servitude under female soles. After all, as an Amazon saying recited, ‘No woman will ever need shoes in the Amazon Queendom because there will always be a man’s face, body or groin between her bare soles and the ground’. Tournament days in Themyscira were further proof that this saying about the Amazon Queendom was very true if not slightly understated… 


Traditionally, the women approached the arena from a shiny avenue covered in marbles and precious stones. As a way to show off and compare their spoils of war with other her peers on their way to the Arena, each Amazon would lead her most physically imposing male slave on a leash. Alternatively, the slave could be a former Barbarian tribe leader or the relative of some king. The man had to walk on all fours, like a dog. When his female master stopped to chat with some friends, the man devotedly lapped at her bare feet. As a sign of the man’s absolute submission to his owner friends and to all women, the leashed man was also expected to kiss the feet of every other Amazon they greeted on their way. If the man was too slow, if he stopped when or where he was not supposed to, or if he was simply pulling against the leash for some reason, his Amazon owner would mercilessly kick him in the balls, in the gut, or in the face: stung by the power of the Amazon’s martial arts kick, the man would immediately behave, feverishly lapping and kissing the same female bare foot that had just disciplined him and asking for the mercy of his owner. Furthermore, every time there was some mud or dirt on the road, the man had the duty to immediately lay over it so that his Amazon mistress would not have to step on an unclean surface with her bare foot. If she accidentally did step on a piece of dirt or mud, the leashed men would be severely kicked for not having prevented her mistress from getting her pretty foot dirty. Subsequently, the man was forced to lick the Amazon’s foot clean as well as any dirty footprint she might have left on the floor. The marble-covered streets of Themyscira were always shiny and spotless as thousands of male slaves were being deployed to cleaning them manically everyday: the sacred bare feet of the Amazons always had to step over the cleanest surfaces. It was a sacred rule of Amazon society. However, if an Amazon reported to the local authority that she had stepped on some dirt in the street, the male slaves who were responsible for the cleaning of that specific area were facing tragic consequences which included crippling or sometimes deadly barrages of kicks from the Amazonian Guards. 
A second male slave was always humbly trotting behind each female warrior, carrying her bags and accessories, ready to obey at her beck and call. 
Each Amazon entered the Arena by parading proudly under a colossal arc of triumph which celebrated their annihilation of the Barbarians during the great war of the Sexes. Then they ascended to the assigned seat on the marble covered Amazon terraces.
As soon as an Amazon had reached her assigned seats in the Arena, her two male slaves laid on the floor, positioned themselves as footrests for their female owners. Their face was up so that their  female master could place her bare soles over their mouths, noses, foreheads,  and eyes: as she chatted with her friends and watched the fights the female master loved to casually twist, stomp, grind on the male faces, upper bodies or sometimes groins.  In the most heated moments of the fights, she would stand up thus painfully trampling the men underneath her. Obviously, it was the slaves’ duty to always make sure that their faces or bodies would provide a stable and firm base for their female master to stand on. Accidentally slipping from over the slaves face as she was standing made an Amazon very angry: the consequence of such a mishap could be lethal for the slaves. Indeed, whenever this unfortunate event happened, the nervous Amazon would proceed to stomp one of both her slaves to death. When she had finished her deadly kicking, the fresly butchered male corpses were hurriedly disposed by other Barbarian slaves working in the Arena. The men also cleaned every trace of blood and every piece of gore from the killing, so that the Amazon could sit again in a seat that was cleared from any filthy male remain. However, no honourable Amazon could sit in the Arena without two male faces to rest her glorious bare feet on. Judiciously, the dead slaves were promptly substituted by another male slaves who were quickly sent from the Amazon’s villa. If the Amazon’s lived to far, it was the Arena itself which provided two courtesy slaves to accommodate the Amazon’s feet. Obviously the Amazon had absolute power of life and death over these courtesy slaves too, and they were not hesitant to use it for their entertainment either during the tournament or in the celebrations that followed it.
Often, the amazons would send one slave working at the Arena – who were expected to provide for every Amazonian spectator need and desire - to fetch food and refreshments. While an Amazons enjoyed the finest foods and drinks with her friends, her two slaves were only allowed to drink from a single dog bowl of water which was positioned between the feet of their female master: a popular joke among the amazons, consisted in plunging their pretty bare feet into the dog bowl to add some ‘flavour’ to their slaves’ drinking water. Often, the women also demanded to have their feet washed by the slaves in the dog bowl: after a pleasant but often long barefoot walk from their beautiful houses to the great Arena, some of the amazons wanted their feet taken care of, washed and cleaned as soon as they sat down to watch the fights! On the other hand, it was considered a great honour for a male slave to be allowed to drink the footwash water of her powerful female owner. Normally, only an Amazon’s favourite slave was allowed to drink her footwash water: in some Amazon’s households this created jealousy among the slaves. These men sometimes fought among themselves to have the honour to quench their thirst with that nectar. This amused but sometimes annoyed the Amazons who had to punish their slaves with healthy doses of barefoot kicks whenever these quarrels occurred. 


Another game that the Amazons in the audience often played during the tournaments was called ‘Kick the slave down’. Simply, in the pauses between matches the Amazons would challenge themselves at reproducing the most spectacular kicks that their female fighters had just performed in the arena. Inspired and excited by the deeds of their always winning champions, one amazon would stand up in the terraces and perform a particularly exciting kick – or sequence of kicks – she had just seen in the fight that just ended. Obviously, she used one or both her slaves to do that. This type of spontaneous entertainment was extremely appreciated by the Amazons in attendance who would cheer on these impro performances wildly and give them thunderous applause. For the audience, it was another way to kill time (and kill men!) between matches. For the female kickers, it was an occasion show to other Amazons that they were second to none, not even the champions in the Arena. These showcases would also happen even before the matches of the day started. In these cases, Amazons tended to stand up to reproduce iconic kicks which had been made famous during previous editions of the tournament. These references were very appreciated too and welcomed with ovations by the assembling crowd. All the Amazons’ fighters who had stepped into the arena had become real superstars so whenever one of these celebrity fighters from previous tournaments was spotted sitting in the terraces, the audience would chant her name to prompt her to perform some of her most iconic kicks from one of her triumphs. Sometimes these champions would be a little shy about it but invariably they ended up pleasing the audience. As they were lying with their faces under the soles of their female owners, male slaves could only pray that their master was not inspired to perform some iconic kick or that she was not a celebrity fighter who was invariably going to be recognised by the audience. When they heard their master talking to her girlfriends about her intentions to stand up and perform or when they could hear the name of their owner being chanted by the audience these men knew that their time was over. The only thing the slaves could hope for was that the technique that the female master was going to perform was a one-on-one fatality and not a kick which hitting two or more opponents. In this way one of them had 50% chances to survive. However, the only thing that the selected slave or slaves could do was to stand up when their master told them to. Normally, as they rose up to be kicked, the slaves they were welcomed with laughter and derision by the audience. Judiciously and sheepishly, they assumed the required position, getting ready to be on the receiving end of the earth-shattering barefoot kicks that would certainly kill them as an entire stadium laughed at them while cheering on their master/executioner. In the eyes of these doomed men, you could see the resignation for their tragic fate: however, these re-educated Barbarians also felt pride for being of service in what was a moment of glory for their female owners and a form of entertainment for the assembled Amazons. All men who lived in the Amazon queendom were aware of their inferior place in society. In particular, personal slaves knew that they were privileged to be allowed to service the bare feet of an Amazon for each day that their female owner allowed them to live. Thus, being killed by their master with her bare feet while she was being celebrated by her peers was an honourable way to go. As a consequence, all of them publicly tributed their master and her martial arts prowess with a powerful erection and an ejaculation, the last one of their sorry lives, as they were being executed by her lethal feet. Being their crotch barely covered by a piece of cloth, the slaves erections were always very visible by the Amazons in the arena: invariably, the was another added fun factor for the Amazons, who laughed and derided the soon to be executed man, pointing at his grotesque final erection. Amazons were always amused by men’s natural submissiveness and how it manifested itself in their dumb and stupid sexuality, especially when they were confronted by a barefoot female opponent. 
Sometimes, several of these scenes happened simultaneously in the huge arena and Amazons would compete on who got the loudest roar of approval: Amazons loved to see dead male bodies rain down from the terraces unto the arena’s floor. Indeed, kicks that made the slaves fly from the terraces down into the arena were particularly appreciated by the crowd. Thousands of female voices would chant ‘Kick the slave down, kick him down, make him fly, may he crush down to the ground!’. Therefore, even in those cases in which the signature technique which was being requested did not include a kick that would send their opponent flying, all the Amazons who stood up to perform knew that they had to make sure that the final blow was a spectacular kick that would make the slave airborne, just to please the crowd. And so the slaves flew, they flew by the dozens, sent into the air by jump, butterfly, scorpion, tornado, helicopter, double, split, spinning and all kinds of spectacular and acrobatically-delivered kicks one could imagine. Almost in slow motion, these male bodies, followed by carnations of blood and sperm, first flew into the air and then fell down unto the arena. Most of the times it was the impact of the foot – or feet - of their female master to kill the slave immediately, so that the male body who was sent into the air and then crashing down on the sandy floor of the Arena was already a corpse. Other times, the man was still barely alive when he flew and he would only die on the impact with the floor: these cases were the most rewarding for the slave, as the man could hear the crowd’s reactions during the last seconds of his life, including the laughter and the sarcastic comments on his female foot propelled flight towards his death. Sometimes, he could also see the master who had just kicked him sarcastically wave him goodbye as he was sent flying into the air. Even if they had to pay with their own life to make their female owner collect that flattery, slaves were happy to make their master shine in front of their peers. As soon as the male corpses touched the Arena’s floor male slaves would pick them up and throw them in the huge communal grave that was just outside the Arena, obviously reserved for all the men who were being killed on the day. These killings on the terraces were so popular and numerous that it often happened that the communal grave was full before the first match had even started and another grave had to be dug in order to accommodate all the other male corpses that weregoing to need this humiliating and anonymous burial during and right after the tournament. 
‘Kick the Slave Down’ was an obviously costly form of entertainment for the Amazons who decided to sacrifice one or more of their own slaves for it: however, the organization of the arena was always willing to retribute the generosity of these enthusiastic and sometimes famous attendees. Immediately, on the basis of how many slaves one Amazon had lost during her impromptu performance, one, two, or even more courtesy slaves were sent to the terraces as gifts, so that the amazon who had just entertained the audience on her expense could always rest her bare feet on the face of two men, as it was deemed appropriate in that social order. Once again the saying that went ‘No woman will ever need shoes in the Amazon queendom because there will always be a man’s face, body or groin crushed between her bare soles and the ground’ was confirmedto be very true. 
From the opposite side of the stadium, the Barbarian crowd could only watch the bodies of their fellow tribesmen fly up and then down, propelled by the masterfully executed barefoot kicks of the Amazons. They sighed in desperation as their fellowmen were shot into the air by the killing bare feet of elated women warriors who were getting cheered on by the feisty Amazon crowd. Normally, that was just the beginning of another Tournament day of infamy, shame and death for their sex: this year though the final edition was going to last for four long days in which the Amazons were determined to leave an indelible mark in the history of this glorious competition: due to the clear inferiority of their male opponents, the tournament had actually become a competition between the best Amazon fighters who were always trying to outdo each other with new and creative ways of slaying their opponents with their deadly Amazon Kwon Do feet.


By firm Amazon rule, all Barbarians living nearby the capital and several representatives of their tribes from every corner of the empire, were obliged to attend the tournaments. Obviously, they were confined to the worst and cheapest rings of the Arena, from which they watched the Amazon fighters demolish the doomed male warriors which the Barbarian community had managed to put together. As much as their female counterparts were joyful, proud, boisterous, and festive, the assembled men were fearful, humbled, desperate, and irremediably depressed: a dark cloud seemed to always hang above their terrace while the sun shined on the Amazon side of the Arena. Indeed, the tournament days were particularly grim occasions for the Barbarians. For the men who had to attend the Tournament there were very few options and they were all appalling. As it always happened, many Barbarians had to die in the matches, slaughtered and humiliated by the female fighters; some men also got badly beaten and even killed while watching the tournament on the terraces, if their behavior was upsetting the impatient Amazon warriors who had been assigned to patrol the Barbarian side of the Arena; in the luckiest cases, the men had to watch dozens of men – who often were their friends, brothers, parents, or relatives of various proximity - getting beaten, tortured humiliated and kicked to death by far superior female warriors just for the amusement of the Amazons. Obviously, as they watched their peers being defeated, ravaged and shamed, the men also has to endure the derision, the insults and the abuse coming from the Amazon side of the arena and from the Amazon guards among them. Finally, at the end of each tournament day, each Barbarian ran the risk of being among those who were being ‘collected’ by the victorious Amazons as slaves and/or spoils for the post-tournament celebrations. These parties were notorious for being occasions in which the euphoric - and often inebriated - Amazons would perform unspeakable acts of barefoot cruelty on the Barbarians. Those who survived the party antics of the exalted Amazons ended up as house slaves for a female warrior. The post tournament partying was so hard and long that sometimes Amazons forgot about their slaves. As a result, some of them could be found stranded in the streets of Themyscira when the celebrations were over. In these cases, they could either be killed by casually a passing Amazon with a combination of barefoot kicks, or be reclaimed by their proprietor when his mistress recovered from her hangover and happened to remember about them. In other cases, these stray men were arrested and assigned to various forms of slave labour in the queendom’s capital. These jobs included serving as a flesh and blood kicking bags in the Amazon Kwon Do academies: a fate that meant a very short life ahead for these unlucky slaves On a general level, when a Barbarian who had been chosen as slave at the end of a tournament was lucky enough to survive the feisty post-event celebrations without too many crippling injuries, he might end up as a private slave for an Amazon…but the average life of a male servant was never too long in the Amazonian queendom. 
Overall, the Tournament was a terrifying and disheartening experience for the entire male community. And that’s exactly what their female rulers wanted it to be for their subjects. For Amazons, the physical presence of the Barbarian audience during the tournaments was essential for educational purposes: four times per year the men to relive their defeat again and again and to be reminded of their sad history and their lower nature as human beings which justified their inferior place in society. Moreover, as soon as the fights were over, the entire male community had to be present there to be available for the winning Amazons to collect their human tributes: it was a ritual that was established to recall the brutal and merciless pillaging that the Amazons carried out at the expense of the Barbarians in the aftermath of the Great War of the Sexes. Since always, the impoverished Barbarians had nothing left to offer to the Amazons but their own flesh and blood. However, this was a perfect match for the Amazons, who were always in need of male lives to crush under their feet for the sake of the continuation of that social order…or simply for their everyday entertainment!
On Tournament days, the clearly separated sections of the audience in the arena perfectly reflected the respective social status of the male and female sexes in Amazonian society. Obviously, the most luxurious and comfortable areas of the Arena were exclusively reserved to the Amazons. 
On the opposite side of the stadium, the undistinguished and beastly horde of the attending Barbarians offered a striking contrast to the exquisite beauty, power, and splendor exuding from the assembled Amazons. Just one look at the Arena during tournament days was enough to make one understand which sex was thriving and which one was inexorably declining in that society. Coming from the slave districts of the city and from the impoverished countryside, the barbarians were poorly dressed and badly kept. As they approached the majestic walls of Themyscira, from the country villages where they lived and worked, the Barbarian crowds were directed by the Amazon guards towards the humblest entrance to the city, corresponding with the quarters where the male slaves slept. Having their smelly and miserable procession parade through the Amazonia quarters of the city would have been intolerable for the women. Within the walls of Themyscira, the presence of Barbarians who were not employed as house or community slaves in the city was tolerated only during the tournaments and solely for the purposes which have been just described. 
While the Amazons approached the Arena by parading proudly under a colossal arc of triumph which celebrated their annihilation of the Barbarians, the men had to hastily access the premises from small dark alleys where only male slave workers of the city lived. Always under the strict control of rows of Amazonian warriors, the men had to walk tiny service corridors whose walls were covered with frescos depicting their incessant defeats and the humiliations they had to endure by way of the bare feet of the Amazons, both in the Great Was of the Sexes and all the previous editions of the seasonal tournaments.
Therefore, even before getting to the humble, shabby terraces of the arena which were reserved to them, the barbarians were already reminded of their disgraceful history of defeat and humiliation against their superior female conquerors. They knew that no Barbarian, or team of barbarians, could ever match the fighting skills of a single unarmed Amazon: however, the tournament represented their only chance for at least presenting some of their request for better living conditions to their rulers…provided that their champions managed to win a single fight against an Amazon…
The Amazons always looked absolutely glorious, radiant, relaxed, and triumphant from head to toe as they enjoyed the show of their champions kicking barbarians to death. On the opposite side of the stadium though, the attending Barbarians offered a striking contrast to the beauty and splendor of the Amazons. Coming from the slave districts of the city and from the impoverished countryside, the Barbarians were dirty and badly kept. They were only allowed to access the arena from a small dark alley, while the amazons were strolling proudly under a colossal arc of triumph which celebrated their annihilation of the Barbarians and the consequent enslavement of all men under female rule. To get to their assigned spot in the Arena, which was little more than a bleak and muddy hill, the men had to walk through a tiny corridor whose walls were covered with frescos celebrating all the Amazon victories against the Barbarians, both in the Great War of the Sexes and in all the previous seasonal tournaments: the Amazons wanted to make sure that, even before getting to the humble, shabby terraces of the arena which were reserved to them, the Barbarians were already reminded of their disgraceful record of perennial defeat and humiliation against their superior female conquerors. Moreover, as they watched their champions getting shamefully slain under the feet of the Amazons, the men had to be standing for the entire time: there were no seats on the naked hill from which they were allowed to attend the tournament. After a few hours of tournament proceedings, some of them would fall to their knees: an apt position for men to assume before their female masters. During the entire proceedings they were kept under watchful surveillance by Amazon warriors who surrounded the terrace. For an Amazon to be assigned to the surveillance of the Barbarians during such a jolly event as the Seasonal Tournaments was a very unwelcome shift. While their peers were celebrating and having fun in the beautiful areas reserved for the Amazons, these female warriors had to spend most of their day in the vicinity of disgusting men in their depressing terrace. Even if they could cheer on their champions while they were fighting, these women still had to work, and therefore they could not party and enjoy the proceedings as much as their peers. The guards assigned to the Barbarian terrace had to wait until the end of the fights to join the other female to finally party and let loose. Therefore, these Amazon guards were quite nervous and easily irritated as they were watching the Barbarians on tournament days. And being in the proximity of an angry amazon, or a group of angry Amazons, was never a good place to be for any Barbarian. A huge number of men Barbarians were punished with furious barrages of kicks whenever they did not respond – or even responded not fast enough – to the orders of a Barbarian guard.. Indeed, the Amazon guards took every occasion to unload their rage on the Barbarians who, in their easily disappointed eyes, were not behaving correctly during the event. Every Barbarian behaviour that was deemed as out of step by the guards was sanctioned with barefoot violence, public degradation, and sometimes death by the female guards. And behavioral rules for Barbarians were very strict in those times…The Gynarchic laws established that in the presence of an Amazon, no man was not allowed to speak unless she gave him explicit permission to: a violent and humiliating series of slap kicks on the mouth following by a degrading licking of the female sole who had just administered the kicking, was the habitual punishment for a man who could not keep his mouth shut and his tongue in place. Forcing a bare foot down the oral cavity of the slave was often added as a way of completely castigating the speaking organs of a man. In this context, orally expressing Talking back to an Amazon was an offense punishable with death by kicking on the spot. Even looking into the eyes of an amazon was considered a form of disrespect which could lead to immediate capital punishment by barefoot kick. In the presence of an Amazon, an especially when woman warrior was talking to them, men had to keep their heads down in humble recognition of her authority. A man was only allowed to look down at the majestic bare feet of an amazon, to be always reminded of the power of life and death that those weapons had over him. During tournament days, the feisty amazon guard were continuing provoking the Barbarians into breaching one or more of these rules, so that they had a pretext to kick, ravage, and humiliate the men whose mere presence was keeping them on the wrong side of the terraces. What better way to quench their frustration for not spending that festive day in the nice part of the Arena with their friends than unleashing their feet of fury on any Barbarian? As a result, during tournament days the beatdowns, the humiliations, and the executions of the Barbarians were taking place in the terraces almost as much as they did in the Arena. 
On the opposite side of the terraces, the festive Amazons were lounging on the luxury seats which were assigned to them: their side of the stadium looked like an imperial palace, decorated as it was with marbles, precious stones, comfortable cushions curtains and gazebos to shield their beautiful and deadly bodies from the any seasonal weather condition. In stark contrast, the Barbarians’ terrace had no cover at all and the men had to stand for hours, sometimes under the rain, wind or punishing sunlight, watching their warriors getting mercilessly slaughtered for the entertainment of all the women in attendance. 
However, despite the brutal and cruel treatment that they received and even if they knew that no Barbarian, or team of Barbarians, could ever match the fighting skills of a single unarmed Amazon, the men continued to show up and not only because they were forced by the women to do so: after all, the tournament represented their only chance for at least submitting some of their request for better living conditions to their rulers. Despite decades of relentless defeats and humiliations, the desperate Barbarians still retained a flicker of their delusion to one day see a man – or a group of man – win a fight against a single Amazonian warrior: they needed to do it if they wanted to at least try to alleviate their tragic conditions. 


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